VaNetLayer: A virtualization layer supporting access to web contents from within vehicular networks

Áreas de investigación:
  • Sin categoría
Año: 2015
Tipo de publicación: Artículo Palabras clave: Vehicular ad-hoc networks; virtualization; web access; simulation
Autores: 17, 7 8
Journal: Journal of Computational Science Volumen: 11
Páginas: 185-195
Mes: Noviembre
ISSN: 1877-7503
Many information services envisaged for the future of vehicle communications rely on the wired Internet infrastructure to download content from remote servers, and then on peer-to-peer, opportunistic networking to deliver the content to the pertinent nodes. We present an approach to support individualized access to web contents from vehicular ad hoc networks, based on a virtualization layer that engages the mobile nodes in collaboration to emulate a reliable infrastructure of stationary virtual nodes. We prove by simulation experiments that this approach achieves better performance than reference works in the literature.
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