Leveraging Short-Lived Social Networks in Vehicular Environments

Áreas de investigación:
  • Sin categoría
Año: 2013
Tipo de publicación: Artículo en conferencia Palabras clave: fgct2013
Autores: 17, 7 8
Título del libro: 2nd International Conference on Future Generation Communication Technologies (FGCT)
Dirección: London, UK
Organización: British Computer Society Mes: Diciembre
The interactions enabled by the popular sites of the Web 2.0 are largely confined to the virtual world of the Internet, thus failing to engage people in relevant interactions with people, contents or resources in their physical environment. In this paper, we motivate the potential of automatically establishing sporadic social networks among people (acquaintances or strangers) who happen to be physically close to one another at a certain moment. We present the design of one platform intended to provide solutions from the lowest level of establishing ad-hoc connections among nearby mobile devices, up to the highest level of automatically identifying the most relevant pieces of information to deliver at any time. Specific scenarios are discussed considering vehicular environments, as well as the results from pilot experiments with a representative application.
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