AVATAR: Contribution to Human-Computer interaction processes through the adaptation of semi-personalized virtual agents

Áreas de investigación:
  • Sin categoría
Año: 2018
Tipo de publicación: Artículo en conferencia Palabras clave: autism
Autores: Luis Fernando Guerrero Vásquez, 17 Dennys X. Landy Rivera
Título del libro: Congreso Bienal de IEEE Argentina (IEEE ARGENCON)
Dirección: San Miguel de Tucumán, Argentina
Organización: IEEE Mes: Junio
In this article a process of animation of 3D models is proposed to transform them into virtual agents or avatars with the possibility of being used in Human-Computer interaction processes. The resulting virtual agents have been adapted as tools that serve as a starting point for the development of real-time interaction algorithms. The characteristics of the generated tools allows to deepen in techniques of machine learning and artificial intelligence, endowing to the virtual agents of movements with natural and real characteristics. It is possible to use them as puppets, capturing the movements of a person and transferring them to the animation; it is also possible to program specific sequences whose interaction processes are completely determined. Finally, the idea of developing algorithms involving artificial intelligence combined with human intelligence to improve interaction processes is proposed.