CrossCult: Empowering Reuse of Digital Cultural Heritage in Context-Aware Crosscuts of European History

Áreas de investigación:
  • Sin categoría
Año: 2018
Tipo de publicación: Artículo en conferencia Palabras clave: crosscult
Autores: Angeliki Antoniou, 8 Manolis Wallace
Título del libro: Workshop on Cultural Informatics co-located with the EUROMED International Conference on Digital Heritage 2018 (EUROMED 2018)
Serie: CEUR Workshop Proceedings
Dirección: Nicosia, Cyprus
Mes: Noviembre
ISSN: 1613-0073
The paper presents the H2020 CrossCult project, providing a short overview, a summary of the platform developed by the project, a description of the consortium, lessons learnt in three main dimensions (humanities, technology and business), the open challenges and the main tools developed by the project.
Descargar: euromed.pdf