An automatic feedback educational platform: assessment and therapeutic intervention for writing learning in children with special educational needs.
Serpa Andrade, L., Pazos Arias, J. J., Gil Solla, A., Blanco Fernández, Y. & López Nores, M. (2024). Expert Systems with Applications, To appear.
Machine Learning Algorithms to Predict Breast Cancer Recurrence Using Structured and Unstructured Sources from Electronic Health Records.
González Castro, L., Chávez, M., Duflot, P., Bleret, V., G. Martin, A., Zobel, M. et al. (2023). Cancers (SCIE ONCOLOGY Q2 2022), 15(10).
An Overview of Big Data Analytics for Cultural Heritage.
Wallace, M., Poulopoulos, V., Antoniou, A. & López Nores, M. (2023). Big Data and Cognitive Computing (ESCI), 7(1).
Use case modeling in a research setting of developing an innovative pilgrimage support system.
López Nores, M., Pazos Arias, J. J., V, V., J., S. & G., L. (2023). UNIVERSAL ACCESS IN THE INFORMATION SOCIETY (SCIE COMPUTER SCIENCE, CYBERNETICS Q3 2022), To appear.
A Crowdsourcing Recommendation Model for Image Annotations in Cultural Heritage Platforms.
Maged Kamel, M., Gil Solla, A., Guerrero Vásquez, L. F., Blanco Fernández, Y., Pazos Arias, J. J. & López Nores, M. (2023). Applied Sciences (SCIE ENGINEERING, MULTIDISCIPLINARY Q2 2022), 13(19).
A Dashboard to Enable New Opportunities for Rural Development by Overcoming the Dominant Segmentation of European Pilgrimage Routes.
López Nores, M., Pazos Arias, J. J., Gil Solla, A., Martínez Portela, R., Arcay Mallo, S. & Estévez Gómez, R (2023). In Proceedings of 11th World Conference on Information Systems and Technologies (WorldCIST 2023). Pisa (Italy).
Systematic review of technological aids to social interaction in Autistic Spectrum Disorders from transversal perspectives: psychology, technology and therapy.
Fernando Guerrero, L., López Nores, M., Pazos Arias, J. J., Robles Bykbaev, V. E., Bustamante Cacao, K. C. & Jara Quito, H. J. (2022). Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders (SSCI PSYCHOLOGY, DEVELOPMENTAL Q1 2022), To appear.
Digital Technology in Managing Erasmus+ Mobilities: Efficiency Gains and Impact Analysis from Spanish, Italian, and Turkish Universities.
López Nores, M., Pazos Arias, J. J., Gölcü, A. & Kavrar, Ö. (2022). Applied Sciences (SCIE ENGINEERING, MULTIDISCIPLINARY Q2 2022), 12(19).
Personalized trips in the rural surroundings of European pilgrimage routes.
López Nores, M., Arcay Mallo, S., Martínez Portela, R., Carreño Villar, R., Pazos Arias, J. J., Gil Solla, A. et al (2022). In Proceedings of 4th International Conference on Smart and Sustainable Planning for Cities and Regions (SSPCR 2022). Bolzano (Italy).
CASIDE: a data model for interoperable cancer survivorship information based on FHIR.
González Castro, L., Cal González, V., Del Friol, G. & López Nores, M. (2021). Journal of Biomedical Informatics (SCIE MEDICAL INFORMATICS Q1,D1 2021), 124.
Design, implementation, and evaluation of a support system for educators and therapists to rate the acquisition of pre-writing skills in children.
Serpa Andrade, L., Pazos Arias, J. J., López Nores, M. & Robles Bykbaev, V. E. (2021). IEEE Access (SCIE COMPUTER SCIENCE, INFORMATION SYSTEMS Q2 2021), 9, 77920 - 77929.
Using dates as contextual information for personalized cultural heritage experiences.
Dahroug, A., Vlachidis, A., Liapis, A., Bikakis, A., López Nores, M., Sacco, O. et al. (2021). Journal of Information Science (SCIE COMPUTER SCIENCE, INFORMATION SYSTEMS Q3 2021), 47(1), 82-100.
Systematic review of electricity demand forecast using ANN-based Machine Learning algorithms.
Román Portabales, A., López Nores, M. & Pazos Arias, J. J. (2021). Sensors (SCIE ENGINEERING, ELECTRICAL & ELECTRONIC Q2 2021), 21.
exhiSTORY: Smart Self-organizing Exhibits.
Vassilakis, C., Poulopoulos, V., Antoniou, A., Wallace, M., Lepouras, G. & López Nores, M (2021). In F., P. & G., N. (editors), Big Data Platforms and Applications. Springer.
Sensorized low-cost pencils for developing countries: a quantitative analysis of handwriting learning progress in children with/without disabilities from a sustainable perspective.
Serpa Andrade, L., Pazos Arias, J. J., López Nores, M. & Robles Bykbaev, V. E. (2020). Sustainability, 12(24).
VaNetChain: A framework for trustworthy exchanges of information in VANETs based on blockchain and a virtualization layer.
Vintimilla Tapia, P., Bravo Torres, J. F., López Nores, M., Gallegos Segovia, P., Ordoñez Morales, E. F. & Ramos Cabrer, M. (2020). Applied Sciences, 10(21).
Big Archaeological Data: Mining social information about ancient Mesopotamian civilizations using a graph database built from cuneiform corpora
Rodríguez Sampayo, M., López Nores, M. & Pazos Arias, J. J (2020). In 15th International Workshop on Semantic and Social Media Adaptation & Personalization. Zakynthos (Greece).
Experiences from turning Linux into an instructional Operating System.
Ramos Cabrer, M., Pazos Arias, J. J., López Nores, M., Gil Solla, A. & Blanco Fernández, Y. (2020). Computer Applications in Engineering Education, 28(5), 1128-1136.
Distracting Users as per their Knowledge: Combining Linked Open Data and Word Embeddings to Enhance History Learning.
Blanco Fernández, Y., Gil Solla, A., Pazos Arias, J. J., Ramos Cabrer, M., Daif, A. & López Nores, M. (2020). Expert Systems with Applications, 143.
Assessing Children's Perceptions of Live Interactions with Avatars: Preparations for Use in ASD therapy in a Multi-Ethnic Context.
Guerrero Vásquez, L. F., Robles Bykbaev, V. E., López Nores, M., Bravo Torres, J. F., Jara Quito, H. J., Tapia Vintimilla, M. A. et al. (2020). IEEE Access, 8, 168456-168469.
On how Technology-Powered Storytelling can Contribute to Cultural Heritage Sustainability across Multiple Venues – Evidence from the CrossCult H2020 Project.
Kontiza, K., Antoniou, A., Daif, A., Reboreda-Morillo, S., Bassani, M., Gonzalez-Soutelo, S. et al. (2020). Sustainability, 12.
exhiSTORY: Smart venues for self-organizing exhibitions.
Vassilakis, C., Poulopoulos, V., Antoniou, A., Wallace, M., Lepouras, G. & López Nores, M (2020). In Pop, F. & Neagu, G. (editors), Big Data platforms and applications. Springer International Publishing.
Dockemu: An IoT Simulation Framework Based on Linux Containers and the ns-3 Network Simulator — Application to CoAP IoT Scenarios.
Román Portabales, A. & López Nores, M (2020). In S. Obaidat, M. (editor), Simulation and Modeling Methodologies, Technologies and Applications. Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2020.
Bringing a peripheral, traditional venue to the digital era with targeted narratives.
Antoniou, A., Reboreda Morillo, S., Lepouras, G., Iason Diakoumakos, P., Vassilakis, C., López Nores, M. et al. (2019). Digital Applications in Archaeology and Cultural Heritage, 14.
On Data Protection Regulations, Big Data and Sledgehammers in Higher Education.
García Vélez, R. A., López Nores, M., González Fernández, G., Robles Bykbaev, V. E., Wallace, M., Pazos Arias, J. J. et al. (2019). Applied Sciences, 9(15).
CuneiForce: Involving the crowd in the annotation of unread Mesopotamian cuneiform tablets through a gamified design
López Nores, M., Montero Fenollós, J. L., Rodríguez Sampayo, M., Pazos Arias, J. J., González Soutelo, S. & Reboreda Morillo, S. M (2019). In International Workshop on CROwd-Powered e-Services (CROPS), in conjunction with 18th IFIP Conference on e-Business, e-Services and e-Society. Trondheim (Norway).
A mobile app to explore cultural and historical associations between Europe and the Arab and the Islamic worlds
Dahroug, A., Aborizka, M., López Nores, M. & Pazos Arias, J. J (2019). In 12th International Conference on ICT, Society and Human Beings. Oporto (Portugal).
Experiences from placing Stack Overflow at the core of an intermediate Programming course.
López Nores, M., Blanco Fernández, Y., Bravo Torres, J. F., Pazos Arias, J. J., Gil Solla, A. & Ramos Cabrer, M. (2019). Computer Applications in Engineering Education, 27(3), 698-707.
Preface to the UMUAI special issue on personalized delivery of cultural heritage content – Perspectives on 7 years of progress in the field.
López Nores, M., Kuflik, T., Wallace, M. & Naudet, Y. (2019). User Modeling and User-Adapted Interaction, 29(1), 1-7.
Social network to improve the educational experience with the deployment of different learning models.
Vintimilla Tapia, P. E., Bravo Torres, J. F., Gallegos Segovia, P. L., Ordoñez Morales, E. F., López Nores, M. & Blanco Fernández, Y (2019). In Kaya, M. & Alhajj, R. (editors), Influence and Behavior Analysis in Social Networks and Social Media. Springer.
A Mobile App to Learn About Cultural and Historical Associations in a Closed Loop with Humanities Experts.
Daif, A., Tarek Dahroug, A., López Nores, M., González-Soutelo, S., Bassani, M., Antonio, A. et al. (2019). Applied Sciences, 9(1).
A Bespoke Social Network for Deaf Women in Ecuador to Access Information on Sexual and Reproductive Health.
Robles Bykbaev, Y., Oyola Flores, C., Robles Bykbaev, V. E., López Nores, M., Ingavélez Guerra, P., Pazos Arias, J. J. et al. (2019). International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 16(20).
Sporadic Cloud-based Mobile Augmentation on the top of a Virtualization Layer: A Case Study of Collaborative Downloads in VANETs.
Ordoñez Morales, E. F., López Nores, M., Blanco Fernández, Y., Reinoso Morales, E. P., Bravo Torres, J. F., Pazos Arias, J. J. et al. (2019). Journal of Advanced Transportation, .
Technology-powered strategies to rethink the pedagogy of History and Cultural Heritage through symmetries and narratives.
López Nores, M., Bravo Quezada, O. G., Bassani, M., Antoniou, A., Lykourentzou, I., Emma Jones, C. et al. (2019). Symmetry, 11(3).
Intersection Intelligence: Supporting Urban Platooning with Virtual Traffic Lights over Virtualized Intersection-Based Routing.
Saiáns Vázquez, J. V., Ordoñez Morales, E. F., López Nores, M., Blanco Fernández, Y., Bravo Torres, J. F., Pazos Arias, J. J. et al. (2018). Sensors, 18(11).
Vehicular Fog Computing on Top of a Virtualization Layer
Ordoñez Morales, E. F., López Nores, M., Blanco Fernández, Y., Reinoso Mendoza, E. P., Bravo Torres, J. F. & Pazos Arias, J. J (2018). In 5th International Conference on Internet of Vehicles (IOV). Paris, France : IEEE.
CrossCult: Empowering Reuse of Digital Cultural Heritage in Context-Aware Crosscuts of European History
Antoniou, A., Wallace, M., López Nores, M., Naudet, Y., Solano, J., Bikakis, A. et al (2018). In Workshop on Cultural Informatics co-located with the EUROMED International Conference on Digital Heritage 2018 (EUROMED 2018). Nicosia, Cyprus : CEUR.
A Hybrid System to Support the Psychological Intervention for Children With Autism: A Proposal Based on Knowledge Modeling and Intelligent Technologies.
Robles Bykbaev, V. E., Galán Mena, J., López Nores, M., Robles Bykbaev, Y., Cornejo Reyes, J., Quisi Peralta, D. et al. (2018). International Journal of E-Services and Mobile Applications, 10(4), 74-100.
An intelligent system based on genetic algorithms to generate study groups using personality traits and academic profiles in higher education
García Vélez, R. A., Robles Bykbaev, V. E., López Nores, M., Calle López, D., Barros Pontón, M. E. & Galán Mena, J (2018). In IV Congreso Internacional de Innovación y Tendencias en Ingeniería (CONIITI). Bogotá, Colombia : IEEE.
ExhiSTORY: IoT in the service of Cultural Heritage
Poulopoulos, V., Vassilakis, C., Antoniou, A., Wallace, M., Lepouras, G. & López Nores, M (2018). In 2018 Global Information Infrastructure and Networking Symposium (GIIS), pages 1-4. Thessaloniki, Greece : IEEE.
Deep Guessing: Generating Meaningful Personalized Quizzes on Historical Topics by Introducing Wikicategories in Doc2Vec
Varela Brea, B., López Nores, M., Blanco Fernández, Y., Pazos Arias, J. J., Gil Solla, A. & Ramos Cabrer, M (2018). In 13th International Workshop on Semantic and Social Media Adaptation and Personalization (SMAP), pages 43-47. Zaragoza, Spain : IEEE.
Semantic Representation of Information by Ontological Networks to Improve Knowledge Management in Higher Education
García Vélez, R. A., Galán Mena, J., Dahroug, A., Robles Bykbaev, V. E. & López Nores, M (2018). In 10th International Joint Conference on Knowledge Discovery, Knowledge Engineering and Knowledge Management (IC3K), pages 161-168. Seville, Spain : INSTICC.
Creating an Ontological Network to Support the Inference of Personality Traits and Facets
García Vélez, R. A., Galán Mena, J., Robles Bykbaev, V. E. & López Nores, M (2018). In 25th International Conference on Electronics, Electrical Engineering and Computing (IEEE INTERCON). Lima, Peru : IEEE.
A text filter based multimedia content recommender for children with intellectual disability
Quisi Peralta, D., Chiluisa Castillo, D., Robles Bykbaev, V. E., López Nores, M. & Changlla Rodríguez, L (2018). In 25th International Conference on Electronics, Electrical Engineering and Computing (IEEE INTERCON). Lima, Peru : IEEE.
Let Stack Overflow be your guide: Redesigning a Computer Programming course from over-prescribed teaching to learning in the wild
López Nores, M (2018). In Proceedings of 3rd Canadian In. Toronto, Canada : ICRD.
Turning Linux into an Instructional Operating System
Ramos Cabrer, M., Pazos Arias, J. J., Gil Solla, A., López Nores, M. & Blanco Fernández, Y (2018). In Proceedings of 3rd Canadian International Conference on Advances in Education, Teaching & Technology. Toronto, Canada : ICRD.
Dockemu: extension of a scalable network simulation framework based on Docker and NS3 to cover IoT scenarios
Román Portabales, A. & López Nores, M (2018). In Proceedings of 8th International Conference on Simulation and Modeling Methodologies, Technologies and Applications (SIMULTECH). Porto, Portugal : INSTICC.
Recommendation system of authorities and content based on Twitter for language therapy through data mining techniques
Quisi Peralta, D., Robles Bykbaev, V. E., López Nores, M., Chaglla Rodríguez, L. & Chiluisa Castillo, D (2018). In Congreso Bienal de IEEE Argentina (IEEE ARGENCON). San Miguel de Tucumán, Argentina : IEEE.
AVATAR: Contribution to Human-Computer interaction processes through the adaptation of semi-personalized virtual agents
Guerrero Vásquez, L. F., Landy Rivera, D. X., Bravo Torres, J. F., López Nores, M., López Nores, M. & Vintimilla Tapia, P. E (2018). In Congreso Bienal de IEEE Argentina (IEEE ARGENCON). San Miguel de Tucumán, Argentina : IEEE.
Efficient and viable intersection-based routing in VANETs on top of a virtualization layer.
Saiáns Vázquez, J. V., López Nores, M., Blanco Fernández, Y., Ordoñez Morales, E. F., Bravo Torres, J. F. & Pazos Arias, J. J. (2018). Annals of Telecommunications, 73, 317-328.
An Academic System Based on Ontological Networks to Support the Inference of New Knowledge in Micro and Macro Curriculum in Higher Education.
A. García-Vélez, R., Galán-Mena, J., Robles Bykbaev, V. E., López Nores, M., Pesántez-Avilés, F. & Calle-López, D (2018). . Advances in Human Factors in Training, Education, and Learning Sciences. Springer.
Advanced Visual Interfaces to Represent Cultural and Historical Facts and Associations in the CrossCult EU project
Bassani, M., López Nores, M., Dahroug, A., Daif, A., González-Soutelo, S., Zanovello, P. et al (2018). In Proceedings of AVI-CH 2018 Workshop on Advanced Visual Interfaces for Cultural Heritage co-located with 2018 International Conference on Advanced Visual Interfaces (AVI 2018). Castiglione della Pescaia, Italy.
exhiSTORY: Smart exhibits that tell their own stories.
Vassilakis, C., Poulopoulos, V., Antoniou, A., Wallace, M., Lepouras, G. & López Nores, M. (2018). Future Generation Computer Systems, 81, 542-556.
Data repository of mobile applications for people with disabilities in the area of communication and language using data mining techniques
Quisi Peralta, D., Robles Bykbaev, V. E., Saquicela Galarza, V., Bernal Merchán, E., Suquilanda Cuesta, P. & López Nores, M (2018). In International Conference on Electronics, Communications and Computers (CONIELECOMP), pages 225-231. Cholula, Mexico : IEEE.
exhiSTORY: Smart self-organizing exhibits.
Vassilakis, C., Poulopoulos, V., Antoniou, A., Wallace, M., Lepouras, G. & López Nores, M (2018). . Big Data Platforms and Applications. Springer.
Developing quiz games linked to networks of semantic connections among cultural venues
Daif, A., Dahroug, A., López Nores, M., Gil Solla, A., Ramos Cabrer, M., Pazos Arias, J. J. et al (2017). In 11th International Conference on Metadata and Semantics Research (MTSR). Tallinn, Estonia : Springer.
A Context-Aware Platform for Comprehensive Care of Elderly People: Proposed Architecture
Bravo Torres, J. F., Ordóñez Ordóñez, J. O., Gallegos Segovia, P. L., Vintimilla Tapia, P. E., López Nores, M. & Blanco Fernández, Y (2017). In Chilean Conference on Electrical, Electronics Engineering, Information and Communication Technologies (CHILECON), pages 1-6. Pucon, Chile : IEEE.
Leveraging short-lived learning networks to encourage collaborative peer learning
Bravo Torres, J. F., E. Andrade-Rea, P., E. Vintimilla-Tapia, P., Ordoñez Morales, E. F., López Nores, M. & Blanco Fernández, Y (2017). In 12th Latin American Conference on Learning Technologies (LACLO). La Plata, Argentina : IEEE.
Onto-SPELTRA: A robotic assistant based on ontologies and agglomerative clustering to support speech-language therapy for children with disabilities
Robles Bykbaev, V. E., Guamán-Heredia, M., Robles-Bykbaev, Y., Lojano-Redrován, J., Pesántez-Avilés, F., Quisi-Peralta, D. et al (2017). In 12th Colombian Conference on Computing (12CCC). Cali, Colombia.
AVATAR "Autism: Virtual Agents To Augment Relationships in Children"
Fernando Guerrero-Vásquez, L., Bravo Torres, J. F. & López Nores, M (2017). In IEEE XXIV International Conference on Electronics, Electrical Engineering and Computing (INTERCON). Cuzco, Perú : IEEE.
OPPIA: A multi-model platform for e-learning
E. Vintimilla-Tapia, P., Bravo Torres, J. F., Gallegos Segovia, P. L., Ordoñez Morales, E. F., López Nores, M. & Blanco Fernández, Y (2017). In IEEE XXIV International Conference on Electronics, Electrical Engineering and Computing (INTERCON). Cuzco, Perú : IEEE.
SOPPIA: Social Opportunistic Intelligent Ambient of Learning
E. Vintimilla-Tapia, P., Bravo Torres, J. F., L. Gallegos-Segovia, P., Ordoñez Morales, E. F., López Nores, M. & Blanco Fernández, Y (2017). In Workshop on Teaching, Learning, and Social Networks (TeLeSoN), in conjunction with IEEE/ACM International Conference on Advances in Social Networks Analysis and Mining (ASONAM). Sydney, Australia : IEEE/ACM.
Exploiting Relevant Dates to Promote Serendipity and Situational Curiosity in Cultural Heritage Experiences
Dahroug, A., López Nores, M., Pazos Arias, J. J., González Soutelo, S., Reboreda Morillo, S. M. & Antoniou, A (2017). In 12th International Workshop on Semantic and Social Media Adaptation and Personalization. Bratislava, Slovakia : IEEE.
Stimulating social interaction among elderly people through sporadic social networks
Osmani Ordoñez-Ordóñez, J., Bravo Torres, J. F., D. Sari-Villa, Ó., Ordoñez Morales, E. F., López Nores, M. & Blanco Fernández, Y (2017). In 10th International Caribbean Conference on Devices, Circuits and Systems (ICCDCS). Cozumel, Mexico.
A hybrid system based on robotic assistants and mobile applications to support in speech therapy for children with disabilities and communication disorders.
Ochoa-Guaraca, M., Pulla-Sánchez, D., Robles Bykbaev, V. E., López Nores, M., Carpio-Moreta, M. & García Duque, J. (2017). Campus Virtuales, 6(1), 77-87.
VNIBR-EM: A Routing Protocol for Emergency Messages Dissemination in Vehicular Networks.
Bravo Torres, J. F., Ordoñez Morales, E. F., E. Vintimilla-Tapia, P., Víctor Saiáns-Vázquez, J., López Nores, M. & Blanco Fernández, Y. (2017). Journal of Advanced Research in Dynamical and Control Systems, 11, 440-447.
VNIBR-EM: A Routing Protocol for Emergency Messages Dissemination in Vehicular Networks
Bravo Torres, J. F., E. Vintimilla-Tapia, P., Ordoñez Morales, E. F., Víctor Saiáns-Vázquez, J., López Nores, M. & Blanco Fernández, Y (2017). In 5th International Conference on Contemporary Engineering and Technology (ICCET). Chennai, India.
An Intelligent Ecosystem to Support the Development of Communication Skills in Children with Autism.
Robles Bykbaev, V. E., Quisi-Peralta, D., López Nores, M., Lima-Juma, D., Andrés Galán-Mena, J., Arévalo Fernández, C. A. et al (2017). In Issa, T., Kommers, P., Issa, T., Isaías, P. & B. Issa, T. (editors), Smart Technology Applications in Business Environments. IGI Global.
Robotic assistant for support in speech therapy for children with cerebral palsy
Robles Bykbaev, V. E., Ochoa Guaraca, M., Carpio Moreta, M., Pulla Sánchez, D., Serpa Andrade, L., López Nores, M. et al (2016). In IEEE International Autumn Meeting on Power, Electronics and Computing (ROPEC). Ixtapa, México.
Leveraging Proactive and Reactive Intersection-Based Routing Protocols for collaborative downloading in VANETs
Ordoñez Morales, E. F., Saiáns Vázquez, J. V., Bravo Torres, J. F., Blanco Fernández, Y. & López Nores, M (2016). In 9th Latin-American Conference on Communications (LATINCOM 2017). IEEE.
SAFER: A Context-Aware Ubiquitous Assistance Platform for Elderly Care
Bravo Torres, J. F., Santiago Redrován-Parra, H., Fernando Soto-Sarango, Á., Arcesio Andrade-Padilla, J., Ordoñez Morales, E. F., López Nores, M. et al (2016). In VII Congreso de Ingeniería Biomédica (CLAIB). Springer.
A semantics-based exploratory game to enrich school classes with relevant historical facts
Bravo Quezada, O. G., López Nores, M., García Nogueiras, I., Perdíz Gradín, D., Blanco Fernández, Y., Pazos Arias, J. J. et al (2016). In IEEE (editor), 11th International Workshop on Semantic and Social Media Adaptation and Personalization. Thessaloniki, Greece : IEEE.
An ontology-based expert system to generate therapy plans for children with disabilities and communication disorders
Robles Bykbaev, V. E., López Nores, M., Guamán-Murrillo, W., Pazos Arias, J. J., García Duque, J. & Quisi-Peralta, D (2016). In IEEE Ecuador Technical Chapters Meeting. IEEE.
The use of semantics in the CrossCult H2020 project
Bampatzia, S., Gustavo Bravo-Quezada, O., Antoniou, A., López Nores, M., Wallace, M., Lepouras, G. et al (2016). In 2nd International KEYSTONE Conference (IKC). Springer.
A robotic assistant to support the development of communication skills of children with disabilities
Robles Bykbaev, V. E., López Nores, M., Pazos Arias, J. J., García Duque, J., Ochoa-Guaraca, M., Carpio-Moreta, M. et al (2016). In 11º Congreso Colombiano de Computación. IEEE.
New prospects for state-of-the-art technologies in Digital Humanities: The CrossCult H2020 project
López Nores, M (2016). In Proceedings of 6th International Conference on Innovative Computing Technology (INTECH). Dublin, Ireland : IEEE.
Exploiting Virtualization and Sporadic Clouds for Collaborative Downloading in VANETs - A new Networking as a Service
Ordoñez Morales, E. F., Bravo Torres, J. F., Blanco Fernández, Y., López Nores, M. & Víctor Saiáns-Vázquez, J (2016). In EEE 4th International Conference on Future Internet of Things and Cloud (FiCloud). Vienna, Austria : IEEE.
Variations on intersection-based routing on top of a virtualization layer for vehicular ad-hoc networks
Víctor Saiáns-Vázquez, J., López Nores, M., Blanco Fernández, Y., Ordoñez Morales, E. F. & Bravo Torres, J. F (2016). In Proceedings of 6th International Conference on Innovative Computing Technologies (INTECH). IEEE.
An ecosystem based on ontologies and robotic assistants to support the development of social communication skills in children with autism
Robles Bykbaev, V. E., López Nores, M., León Wong, V. C., García Duque, J., Pazos Arias, J. J., Naranjo Cabrera, E. et al (2016). In 8th International Conference on e-Health, pages 83-90. IADIS Press.
An exploratory game based on semantics to improve History learning
Gustavo Bravo-Quezada, O., López Nores, M. & Pazos Arias, J. J (2016). In 9th International Conference on Game and Entertainment Technologies, pages 346-348. IADIS Press.
Intersection-based routing on top of a virtualization layer to support vehicular cloud applications in a smart city
Saiáns Vázquez, J. V., López Nores, M., Bravo Torres, J. F., Ordoñez Morales, E. F. & Ramos Cabrer, M (2016). In 5th International Conference on Theory and Practice in Modern Computing, pages 97-104. IADIS Press.
Evaluation of an expert system for the generation of speech and language therapy plans.
Robles Bykbaev, V. E., López Nores, M., García Duque, J., Pazos Arias, J. J. & Arévalo Lucero, D. (2016). JMIR Medical Informatics, 4(3).
Automating the formation of sporadic groups and the selection of topics for online language learning driven by personality traits and interest profiles
Agustín García-Vélez, R., López Nores, M. & Blanco Fernández, Y (2016). In IEEE (editor), 16th IEEE International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies (ICALT 2016) – Doctoral Consortium. Austin (TX), USA : IEEE.
Using Cortical Learning Algorithm to arrange sporadic online conversation groups according to personality traits
García Vélez, R. A., López Nores, M. & Blanco Fernández, Y (2016). In 18th International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction (HCI International). Toronto, Canada : Springer.
OPPIA: A context-aware ubiquitous learning platform to exploit short-lived student networks for collaborative learning
Bravo Torres, J. F., Ordoñez Morales, E. F., López Nores, M. & Blanco Fernández, Y (2016). In 8th International Conference on Computer Supported Education (CSEDU). Rome, Italy : INSTICC.
Optimising Reactive Routing over Virtual Nodes in VANETs.
Bravo Torres, J. F., López Nores, M., Blanco Fernández, Y., Pazos Arias, J. J., Ramos Cabrer, M. & Gil Solla, A. (2016). IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, 65(4), 2274 - 2294.
SPELTA-Miner: An expert system based on data mining and multilabel classification to design therapy plans for communication disorders
Robles Bykbaev, V. E., López Nores, M., García Duque, J., Gil Solla, A. & Quisi-Peralta, D (2016). In 3rd International Conference on Control, Decision and Information Technologies (CoDIT). Saint Julian's, Malta : IEEE.
Building context-aware customized stories based on uncovering indirect associations from semantic knowledge bases
Gustavo Bravo-Quezada, O., Pesántez Ñauta, D., Blanco Fernández, Y. & López Nores, M (2016). In 5th International Workshop on Semantic Multimedia (SMM), in conjunction with 10th IEEE International Conference on Semantic Computing (ICSC). Laguna Hills (CA), USA.
Leveraging proactive and reactive intersection-based routing protocols for collaborative downloading in VANETs
Ordoñez Morales, E. F., Saians, V., Bravo Torres, J. F. & López Nores, M (2016). In 2016 8th IEEE Latin-American Conference on Communications (LATINCOM).
Proactive discovery and management of ride-sharing opportunities in smart Vehicular Ad-hoc NETworks.
Bravo Torres, J. F., Blanco Fernández, Y., López Nores, M., Pazos Arias, J. J., Ramos Cabrer, M. & Gil Solla, A. (2016). Information Technology & Control (ITC), 45(2), 121-135.
Reenact: harnessing technology to enjoy learning history.
Gil Solla, A., López Nores, M., Blanco Fernández, Y., Pazos Arias, J. J. & Ramos Cabrer, M. (2015). Journal of Media & Mass Communication, 1(2), 57-60.
Reenact: harnessing technology to enjoy learning history
Gil Solla, A., López Nores, M., Blanco Fernández, Y., Pazos Arias, J. J. & Ramos Cabrer, M (2015). In 7th International Conference on Information and Multimedia Technology (ICIMT 2015). Barcelona, Spain.
VaNetLayer: A virtualization layer supporting access to web contents from within vehicular networks.
Bravo Torres, J. F., López Nores, M., Blanco Fernández, Y., Pazos Arias, J. J. & Ordoñez Morales, E. F. (2015). Journal of Computational Science, 11, 185-195.
SPELTA: An expert system to generate therapy plans for speech and language disorders.
Robles Bykbaev, V. E., López Nores, M., Pazos Arias, J. J. & Arévalo Lucero, D. (2015). Expert Systems with Applications, 42(21), 7641-7651.
Performance Analysis of a Virtualization Layer Supporting P2P Downloading of Contents in VANETs
Víctor Saiáns-Vázquez, J., López Nores, M., Blanco Fernández, Y., Pazos Arias, J. J. & Bravo Torres, J. F (2015). In 9th International Workshop on Communication Technologies for Vehicles (Nets4Cars-2015-Fall). Munich, Germany : IEEE.
Ramses: A Robotic Assistant and A Mobile Support Environment for Speech and Language Therapy.
Robles Bykbaev, V. E., López Nores, M., García Duque, J., Pazos Arias, J. J., Flores-Tapia, T. & Ordóñez-Arce, C. (2015). International Journal of Computational Linguistics Research, 6(3), 67-76.
SPORANGIUM - Validating the Concept of Sporadic Social Networks in Pervasive Applications
Ordoñez Morales, E. F., Saiáns Vázquez, J. V., Bravo Torres, J. F., Blanco Fernández, Y., López Nores, M. & Pazos Arias, J. J (2015). In IEEE (editor), IEEE International Conference on Computer as a Tool (EUROCON). Salamanca, Spain : IEEE.
Mobile data offloading in urban VANETs on top of a virtualization layer
Bravo Torres, J. F., Saiáns Vázquez, J. V., López Nores, M., Blanco Fernández, Y. & Pazos Arias, J. J (2015). In 11th International Wireless Communications & Mobile Computing Conference (IWCMC 2015). Dubrovnik, Croatia : IEEE.
An ecosystem of intelligent ICT tools for speech-language therapy based on a formal knowledge model
Robles Bykbaev, V. E., López Nores, M., Pazos Arias, J. J., Quisi-Peralta, D. & García Duque, J (2015). In 15th World Congress on Health and Biomedical Informatics (MEDINFO). São Paulo, Brazil : MEDLINE.
A proposal of an ecosystem based on intelligent ICT tools to support the diagnosis and intervention of patients with communication disorders.
Robles Bykbaev, V. E., López Nores, M., García Duque, J., Pazos Arias, J. J., Arévalo-Lucero, D. & Ingavélez-Guerra, P. (2015). Ingenius, 14, 44-52.
A multilayer mobile ecosystem to support the assessment and treatment of patients with communication disorders
Robles Bykbaev, V. E., López Nores, M., Pazos Arias, J. J. & García Duque, J (2015). In 7th International Conference on E-Health (EH, co-located with MCCSIS). Gran Canaria, Spain.
An Improved Virtualization Layer to Support Distribution of Multimedia Contents in Pervasive Social Applications.
Bravo Torres, J. F., López Nores, M., Blanco Fernández, Y., Pazos Arias, J. J., Ramos Cabrer, M. & Gil Solla, A. (2015). Journal of Network and Computer Applications, 51, 1-17.
RAMSES: A Robotic Assistant and a Mobile Support Environment for Speech and Language Therapy
Robles Bykbaev, V. E., López Nores, M., Pazos Arias, J. J. & García Duque, J (2015). In 5th International Conference on Innovative Computing Technology (INTECH). Vigo, Spain : IEEE.
An efficient combination of topological and geographical routing for VANETs on top of a virtualization layer
Bravo Torres, J. F., Saiáns Vázquez, J. V., López Nores, M., Blanco Fernández, Y. & Pazos Arias, J. J (2015). In IEEE 81st Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC-Spring). Glasgow, UK : IEEE.
Modelling domain knowledge of Speech and Language Therapy with an OWL ontology and OpenEHR archetypes
Robles Bykbaev, V. E., López Nores, M., Pazos Arias, J. J. & García Duque, J (2015). In 8th International Conference on Health Informatics (HEALTHINF). Lisbon, Portugal : INSTICC.
S-CMA: Sporadic Cloud-based Mobile Augmentation supported by an Ad-hoc Cluster of Moving Handheld Devices and a Virtualization Layer
Ordoñez Morales, E. F., Blanco Fernández, Y., Bravo Torres, J. F., López Nores, M., Saiáns Vázquez, V. & Pazos Arias, J. J (2015). In 5th International Conference on Innovative Computing Technology (INTECH 2015).
Empowering reuse of digital cultural heritage in context-aware crosscults of European history
Bravo Quezada, O. G., García Vélez, R. A., Blanco Fernández, Y. & López Nores, M (2015). In 7th International Conference on Intelligent Technologies for Interactive Entertainment (INTETAIN).
Sporadic Cloud Computing over a Virtualization Layer: A new Paradigm to Support Mobile Multi-hop Ad-hoc Networks
Ordoñez Morales, E. F., Blanco Fernández, Y. & López Nores, M (2015). In Doctoral Consortium on Cloud Computing and Services Science (DCCLOSER).
SPORANGIUM: Exploiting a Virtualization Layer to Support the Concept of Sporadic Cloud Computing with Users on the Move
Ordoñez Morales, E. F., Blanco Fernández, Y., López Nores, M., Bravo Torres, J. F., Pazos Arias, J. J. & Ramos Cabrer, M (2015). In 3rd World Conference on Information Systems and Technologies (WorldCist). Azores, Portugal.
A Semantic Approach to Improve Neighborhood Formation in Collaborative Recommender Systems.
Martín Vicente, M. I., Gil Solla, A., Ramos Cabrer, M., Pazos Arias, J. J., Blanco Fernández, Y. & López Nores, M. (2014). Expert Systems With Applications, 41(17), 7776-7788.
Connection Sharing on top of a Virtualization Layer to Support Vehicular Cloud Computing
Bravo Torres, J. F., López Nores, M., Blanco Fernández, Y., Pazos Arias, J. J., Gil Solla, A. & Ramos Cabrer, M (2014). In 3rd International Conference on Connected Vehicles and Expo (ICCVE). Vienna, Austria : IEEE.
A Platform to Exploit Short-Lived Relationships among Mobile Users: A Case of Collective Immersive Learning
Bravo Torres, J. F., López Nores, M., Blanco Fernández, Y., Pazos Arias, J. J. & Ordoñez Morales, E. F (2014). In Dregvaite, G. & Damasevicius, R. (editors), ICIST 2014 - Communications in Computer and Information Science (CCIS). Druskininkai, Lithuania : Springer.
Maturation assessment system for speech and language therapy based on multilevel PAM and KNN
Robles Bykbaev, V. E., López Nores, M., Pazos Arias, J. J. & Arévalo Lucero, D (2014). In 3rd International Conference on Health and Social Care Information Systems and Technologies. Troia, Portugal : Elsevier.
VaNetLayer: A Virtualization Layer Supporting Access to Web Contents from within Vehicular Networks
Bravo Torres, J. F., López Nores, M., Blanco Fernández, Y., Pazos Arias, J. J. & Ordoñez Morales, E. F (2014). In International Conference on Internet of Vehicles (IOV). Beijing (China).
Virtualization in VANETs to Support the Vehicular Cloud – Experiments with the Network as a Service model
Bravo Torres, J. F., Ordoñez Morales, E. F., López Nores, M., Blanco Fernández, Y. & Pazos Arias, J. J (2014). In 3rd International Conference on Future Generation Communication Technologies (FGCT). Luton, UK : IEEE.
REENACT: A Step Forward in Immersive Learning about Human History by Augmented Reality, Role Playing and Social Networking.
Blanco Fernández, Y., López Nores, M., Pazos Arias, J. J., Gil Solla, A., Ramos Cabrer, M. & García Duque, J. (2014). Expert Systems With Applications, 41(10), 4811-4828.
Leveraging ad-hoc networking and mobile cloud computing to exploit short-lived relationships among users on the move.
Bravo Torres, J. F., López Nores, M., Blanco Fernández, Y., Pazos Arias, J. J. & Ordoñez Morales, E. F (2014). In International Conference on Intelligent Cloud Computing (ICC). Muscat, Oman : Springer-Verlag.
Leveraging Short-Lived Social Networks in Vehicular Environments
Bravo Torres, J. F., López Nores, M., Blanco Fernández, Y. & Pazos Arias, J. J (2013). In 2nd International Conference on Future Generation Communication Technologies (FGCT). London, UK : IEEE Computer Society.
Leveraging Short-Lived Social Networks in Museums to Engage People in History Learning
López Nores, M., Blanco Fernández, Y., Gil Solla, A., Ramos Cabrer, M., García Duque, J. & Pazos Arias, J. J (2013). In 8th International Workshop on Semantic and Social Media Adaptation and Personalization (SMAP 2013). Bayonne, France : IEEE Computer Society Press.
SPORANGIUM: A platform to support sporadic social networks based on ad-hoc communications and mobile cloud computing --- Short-lived virtual networked organizations in venues, on the road and in the smart city
López Nores, M., Bravo Torres, J. F., Blanco Fernández, Y. & Pazos Arias, J. J (2013). In 2nd International Conference on Virtual and Networked Organizations Emergent Technologies and Tools (ViNOrg). Póvoa de Varzim, Portugal.
REENACT: Future Media Internet Technologies for Immersive Learning about Historical Battles and Wars
López Nores, M., Blanco Fernández, Y., Pazos Arias, J. J., García Duque, J., Ramos Cabrer, M., Gil Solla, A. et al (2013). In eChallenges e-2013. Dublin, Ireland : IIMC International Information Management Corporation.
REENACT: Augmented Reality and Collective Role Playing to Enhance the Pedagogy of Historical Events
López Nores, M., Blanco Fernández, Y., Pazos Arias, J. J., Gil Solla, A., García Duque, J. & Ramos Cabrer, M (2013). In 10th International Conference on Signal Processing and Multimedia Applications (SIGMAP). Reykjavik, Iceland : INSTICC.
Virtualization Support for Complex Communications in Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks.
Fernando Bravo-Torres, J., López Nores, M. & Blanco Fernández, Y. (2013). MTA Review, 23(2), 121-140.
REENACT: Learning about Historical Battles and Wars through Augmented Reality and Role Playing - An EXPERIMEDIA Experiment
López Nores, M., Blanco Fernández, Y., Pazos Arias, J. J., Gil Solla, A., García Duque, J., Ramos Cabrer, M. et al (2013). In 5th International Conference on Computer-Supported Education (CSEDU). INSTICC.
Cloud-Based Personalization of New Advertising and e-Commerce Models for Video Consumption.
López Nores, M., Blanco Fernández, Y. & Pazos Arias, J. J. (2013). The Computer Journal, 56(5), 573-592.
Context-Aware Recommender Systems Influenced by the Users’ Health-Related Data.
López Nores, M., Blanco Fernández, Y., Pazos Arias, J. J. & Martín Vicente, M. I (2013). In Martín, E., Haya, P. & M. Carro, R. (editors), User Modeling and Adaptation for Daily Routines. Springer.
Semantics-based and Time-aware Composition of Personalized e-Commerce Services on the Cloud.
Blanco Fernández, Y., López Nores, M. & Pazos Arias, J. J (2013). . Semantic Multimedia Analysis and Processing. CRC press.
Experiences with virtual mobile nodes that do move in vehicular ad hoc networks
Fernando Bravo-Torres, J., López Nores, M. & Blanco Fernández, Y (2012). In 3rd International Conference on the Network of the Future (NoF). Tunis, Tunisia : IEEE.
Virtual Virtual Circuits: One Step Beyond Virtual Mobile Nodes in Vehicular Ad-hoc Networks
Fernando Bravo-Torres, J., López Nores, M. & Blanco Fernández, Y (2012). In IEEE (editor), 76th IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC-Fall). Québec, Canada : IEEE.
On the Use of Virtual Mobile Nodes with Real-World Considerations in Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks
Bravo Torres, J. F., López Nores, M., Blanco Fernández, Y. & Pazos Arias, J. J (2012). In 9th International Conference on Communications (COMM). Bucharest, Romania : IEEE.
Property-Based Collaborative Filtering for Health-Aware Recommender Systems.
López Nores, M., Blanco Fernández, Y., Pazos Arias, J. J. & Gil Solla, A. (2012). Expert Systems with Applications, 39(8), 7451-7457.
Bulker: A Mediator System Grounded on Social Networks for Online Trading of Batches of Products
López Nores, M., Blanco Fernández, Y., Pazos Arias, J. J. & Martín Vicente, M. I (2012). In 8th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies (WEBIST). Porto, Portugal : INSTICC.
Spreading Influence Values over Weighted Relationships among Users of Several Social Networks
Blanco Fernández, Y., López Nores, M., Pazos Arias, J. J. & Martín Vicente, M. I (2012). In 3rd Workshop on Pervasive Collaboration and Social Networking (PerCol 2012). Lugano, Switzerland.
Supporting More Efficient Communications in Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks with New Constructs Based on a Virtualization Layer
Bravo Torres, J. F., López Nores, M. & Blanco Fernández, Y (2012). In HotMobile Doctoral Consortium. San Diego, USA.
Supporting More Efficient Communications in Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks with New Constructs Based on a Virtualization Layer
Bravo Torres, J. F., López Nores, M. & Blanco Fernández, Y (2012). In HotMobile poster session. San Diego, USA.
A Virtualization Layer for Mobile Consumer Devices to Support Demanding Communication Services in Vehicular Ad-hoc Networks
Bravo Torres, J. F., López Nores, M., Blanco Fernández, Y., Servia Rodríguez, S. & García Duque, J (2012). In International Conference on Consumer Electronics (ICCE) --- Special Merit Award for Outstanding Paper. Las Vegas, USA : IEEE.
The iCabiNET System: Harnessing Electronic Health Record Standards from Domestic and Mobile Devices to Support Better Medication Adherence.
López Nores, M., Blanco Fernández, Y., Pazos Arias, J. J. & García Duque, J. (2012). Computer Standards & Interfaces, 34(1), 109-116.
Semantic Inference of User's Reputation and Expertise to Improve Collaborative Recommendations.
Martín Vicente, M. I., Gil Solla, A., Ramos Cabrer, M., Blanco Fernández, Y. & López Nores, M. (2012). Expert Systems with Applications, 39(9), 8248-8258.
Exploring new ways for personalized e-commerce through Digital TV.
Blanco Fernández, Y., López Nores, M., Pazos Arias, J. J. & Martín Vicente, M. I (2012). In Anagnostopoulos, I., Bielikova, M., Mylonas, P. & Tsapatsoulis, N. (editors), Studies in computational intelligence, semantic hyper/multi-media adaptation: schemes and applications. Springer.
An Improvement for Semantics-based Recommender Systems Grounded on Attaching Temporal Information to Ontologies and User Profiles..
Blanco Fernández, Y., López Nores, M., Pazos Arias, J. J. & García Duque, J. (2011). Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence. Selected as Best Engineering Applications of Artifical Intelligence paper for 2011-2013 in the category "application oriented papers", 24(8), 1385-1397.
Exploring Synergies between Content-based Filtering and Spreading Activation Techniques in Knowledge-based Recommender Systems.
Blanco Fernández, Y., López Nores, M., Gil Solla, A., Ramos Cabrer, M. & Pazos Arias, J. J. (2011). Information Sciences, 181(21), 4823-4846.
Enhancing recommender systems with access to electronic health records and groups of interest in social networks
López Nores, M., Blanco Fernández, Y., Pazos Arias, J. J., García Duque, J. & Martín Vicente, M. I (2011). In 7th International Conference on Signal-Image Technology and Internet-Based Systems (SITIS 2011).
Automatic Provision of Personalized E-Commerce Services in Digital TV Scenarios with Impermanent Connectivity.
López Nores, M., Blanco Fernández, Y., Pazos Arias, J. J., Fernández Vilas, A. & Ramos Cabrer, M. (2011). Expert Systems with Applications, 38(11), 12691-12698.
User-Generated Contents and Reasoning-based Personalization: Ingredients for a Novel Model of Mobile TV.
Blanco Fernández, Y., López Nores, M., Gil Solla, A., Ramos Cabrer, M. & Pazos Arias, J. J. (2011). Expert Systems with Applications, 38(5), 5289-5298.
Improving Collaborative Recommendation of Coupons Through Digital TV by Semantic Inference of Users' Reputation.
Martín Vicente, M. I., Gil Solla, A., Ramos Cabrer, M., Blanco Fernández, Y. & López Nores, M. (2011). IEEE Transactions on Consumer Electronics, 57(1), 178-186.
Improving e-Commerce Collaborative Recommendations by Semantic Inference of Neighbors' Practical Expertise
Martín Vicente, M. I., Gil Solla, A., Ramos Cabrer, M., Blanco Fernández, Y. & López Nores, M (2011). In 6th International Workshop on Semantic Media Adaptation and Personalization.
TripFromTV+: Exploiting Social Networks to Arrange Cut-Price Touristic Packages
Blanco Fernández, Y., López Nores, M., Pazos Arias, J. J., García Duque, J. & Martín Vicente, M. I (2011). In International Conference on Consumer Electronics.
Prediction of TV-Station Ratings Based on Content Recommenders
Sotelo, R., Blanco Fernández, Y., Gil Solla, A., Ramos Cabrer, M. & López Nores, M (2011). In International Conference on Consumer Electronics.
Property-Based Collaborative Filtering for Health-Aware Recommender Systems
López Nores, M., Blanco Fernández, Y., Pazos Arias, J. J., García Duque, J. & Gil Solla, A (2011). In International Conference on Consumer Electronics.
Improving Collaborative Recommendation of Coupons Through Digital TV by Semantic Inference of Users' Reputation
Martín Vicente, M. I., Gil Solla, A., Ramos Cabrer, M., Blanco Fernández, Y. & López Nores, M (2011). In International Conference on Consumer Electronics.
Artificial Intelligence Support for *The User around the Marketplace*: Automatic Engineering of Interactive E-commerce Applications.
López Nores, M., Blanco Fernández, Y. & Pazos Arias, J. J (2011). In Tolk, A. & Jain, L. (editors), Intelligence-based systems engineering. Springer-Verlag.
TripFromTV+: Targeting Personalized Tourism to Interactive Digital TV Viewers by Social Networking and Semantic Reasoning.
Blanco Fernández, Y., López Nores, M., Pazos Arias, J. J., García Duque, J. & Martín Vicente, M. I. (2011). IEEE Transactions on Consumer Electronics, 57(2), 953-961.
New Opportunities for Teaching Operating Systems in the European Higher Education Area
López Nores, M., Blanco Fernández, Y. & Pazos Arias, J. J (2010). In EAIR 32nd Annual Forum. Valencia (Spain) : EAIR.
T-learning in Telecommunication Engineering: The value of Interactive Digital TV in the European Higher Education Area
López Nores, M., Blanco Fernández, Y., Pazos Arias, J. J. & García Duque, J (2010). In 10th IEEE International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies (ICALT). IEEE Computer Society.
The iCabiNET System: Building Standard Medication Records from the Networked Home
López Nores, M., Blanco Fernández, Y., Pazos Arias, J. J. & García Duque, J (2010). In 3rd International Symposium on Intelligent and Interactive Multimedia: Systems and Services (KES-IIMSS).
Architecting Multimedia-Rich Collaborative Learning Services over Interactive Digital TV
López Nores, M., Blanco Fernández, Y. & Pazos Arias, J. J (2010). In 5ª Conferencia Ibérica de Sistemas y Tecnologías de Información.
Exploring Synergies between Digital TV Recommender Systems and Electronic Health Records
López Nores, M., Blanco Fernández, Y., Pazos Arias, J. J. & García Duque, J (2010). In 8th European Conference on Interactive TV and Video. ACM Press.
Semantics-enhanced Recommendation Strategies and Time-Driven Filtering: A Must in Personalized E-commerce
Blanco Fernández, Y., López Nores, M. & Pazos Arias, J. J (2010). In 5ª Conferencia Ibérica de Sistemas y Tecnologías de Información.
Exploiting Digital TV Userss Preferences in a Tourism Recommender System based on Semantic Reasoning.
Blanco Fernández, Y., López Nores, M., Pazos Arias, J. J., Gil Solla, A. & Ramos Cabrer, M. (2010). IEEE Transactions on Consumer Electronics, 56(2), 1-9.
Application-Level Assessment of Approaches to Coordinate Node Mobility in Wireless Sensor and Actor Networks.
López Nores, M., Pazos Arias, J. J., García Duque, J., Blanco Fernández, Y., Gil Solla, A., Ramos Cabrer, M. et al. (2010). Computer Communications, 33(7), 860-867.
Electronic Health Records as a New Dimension of User Profiles in Recommender Systems
López Nores, M., Blanco Fernández, Y. & Pazos Arias, J. J (2010). In Med-e-Tel (International e-Health, Telemedicine and Health ICT Forum). Luxembourg.
Enhancing TV Programmes with Additional Contents Using MPEG-7 Segmentation Information.
Rey López, M., Fernández Vilas, A., Díaz Redondo, R. P., López Nores, M., Pazos Arias, J. J., Gil Solla, A. et al. (2010). Expert Systems with Applications, 37(2), 1124-1133.
A Semantic Approach to avoiding fake neighborhoods in collaborative recommendation of coupons through Digital TV.
Martín Vicente, M. I., Gil Solla, A., Ramos Cabrer, M., Blanco Fernández, Y. & López Nores, M. (2010). IEEE Transactions on Consumer Electronics, 56(1), 54-62.
MiSPOT: Dynamic Product Placement for Digital TV through MPEG-4 Processing and Semantic Reasoning.
López Nores, M., Pazos Arias, J. J., García Duque, J., Blanco Fernández, Y., Martín Vicente, M. I., Fernández Vilas, A. et al. (2010). Knowledge and Information Systems, 22(1), 101-128.
Incentivized Provision of Metadata, Semantic Reasoning and Time-driven Filtering: Making a Puzzle of Personalized e-Commerce.
Blanco Fernández, Y., Pazos Arias, J. J., López Nores, M., Gil Solla, A., Ramos Cabrer, M., García Duque, J. et al. (2010). Expert Systems with Applications, 37(1), 61-69.
Adapting Spreading Activation Techniques towards a New Approach to Content-Based Recommender Systems
Blanco Fernández, Y., López Nores, M. & Pazos Arias, J. J (2010). In Intelligent interactive multimedia systems and services (KES-IMSS), pages 1-11. Baltimore, USA : Springer.
Rethinking Operating Systems teaching towards the European Higher Education Area through Problem-Based Learning
López Nores, M., Blanco Fernández, Y. & Pazos Arias, J. J (2010). In IATED (editor), International Conference of Education, Research and Innovation (ICERI). IATED.
Electronic Health Records as a New Dimension of User Profiles in Recommender Systems.
López Nores, M., Blanco Fernández, Y. & Pazos Arias, J. J (2010). . Global Telemedicine and eHealth Updates. ISfTeH.
Exploiting Digital TV Users' Preferences in a Tourism Recommender System based on Semantic Reasoning
Blanco Fernández, Y., López Nores, M., Pazos Arias, J. J., Gil Solla, A. & Ramos Cabrer, M (2010). In IEEE International Conference on Consumer Electronics (ICCE).
Exploiting MPEG-4 Capabilities for Personalized Advertising in Digital TV.
López Nores, M., Blanco Fernández, Y., Gil Solla, A., Ramos Cabrer, M. & Pazos Arias, J. J (2010). . The Handbook of MPEG Applications: Standards in Practice. Wiley.
A Semantic Approach to Avoiding Fake Neighborhoods in Collaborative Recommendation of Coupons through Digital TV
Martín Vicente, M. I., Gil Solla, A., Ramos Cabrer, M., Blanco Fernández, Y. & López Nores, M (2010). In IEEE International Conference on Consumer Electronics (ICCE).
Property-Based Collaborative Filtering: A New Paradigm for Semantics-Based, Health-Aware Recommender Systems
López Nores, M., Blanco Fernández, Y., Pazos Arias, J. J. & Díaz Redondo, R. P (2010). In 5th International Workshop on Semantic Media Adaptation and Personalization (SMAP). Limassol, Cyprus : IEEE Computer Society.
KEPPAN: Knowledge Exploitation for Proactively-Planned Ad-hoc Networks.
López Nores, M., García Duque, J., Pazos Arias, J. J., Blanco Fernández, Y., Ramos Cabrer, M., Gil Solla, A. et al. (2009). Journal of Network and Computer Applications, 32(6), 1194-1209.
Automatic Generation of Mashups for Personalized Commerce in Digital TV by Semantic Reasoning
Blanco Fernández, Y., López Nores, M., Pazos Arias, J. J. & Martín Vicente, M. I (2009). In 10th International Conference on Electronic Commerce and Web Technologies (EC-Web), pages 132-143. Linz, Austria : Springer-Verlag.
Broadcasting and Personalization of User-Generated Contents in DVB-H Mobile Networks.
Blanco Fernández, Y., Pazos Arias, J. J., Gil Solla, A., Ramos Cabrer, M. & López Nores, M. (2009). Multimedia Systems Journal, 15(3), 173-185.
Spontaneous Interaction with Audiovisual Contents for Personalized E-commerce over Digital TV.
López Nores, M., Rey López, M., Pazos Arias, J. J., García Duque, J., Blanco Fernández, Y., Gil Solla, A. et al. (2009). Expert Systems with Applications, 36(3p1), 4192-4197.
MiSPOT: Framework to Provide Interactive Services for Personalized Non-Intrusive Advertising for TV
Martín Vicente, M. I., Pazos Arias, J. J., López Nores, M. & Blanco Fernández, Y (2009). In 13th ITG Symposium on Electronic Media "Systems, Technologies, Applications". Dortmund, Germany.
T-Learning Prospects in Higher Education
López Nores, M., Pazos Arias, J. J., Blanco Fernández, Y., García Duque, J., Díaz Redondo, R. P. & Fernández Vilas, A (2009). In Learning in Digital Worlds (CAL). Brighton, United Kingdom.
What's on TV Tonight? An Efficient and Effective Personalized Recommender System of TV Programs.
Barragáns Martínez, A. B., Pazos Arias, J. J., Fernández Vilas, A., García Duque, J. & López Nores, M. (2009). IEEE Transactions on Consumer Electronics, 55(1), 286-294.
TV Program Recommendation for Groups based on Muldimensional TV-Anytime Classifications.
Sotelo, R., Blanco Fernández, Y., López Nores, M., Gil Solla, A. & Pazos Arias, J. J. (2009). IEEE Transactions on Consumer Electronics, 55(1), 248-256.
Receiver-Side Semantic Reasoning for Digital TV Personalization in the Absence of Return Channels.
López Nores, M., Blanco Fernández, Y., Pazos Arias, J. J., García Duque, J., Ramos Cabrer, M., Gil Solla, A. et al. (2009). Multimedia Tools and Applications, 41(3), 407-436.
Procedures and Algorithms for Continuous Integration in an Agile Specification Environment.
López Nores, M., Pazos Arias, J. J., García Duque, J., Blanco Fernández, Y., Díaz Redondo, R. P., Fernández Vilas, A. et al. (2009). International Journal of Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering, 19(1), 47-78.
Entering Information about Medication Intake in Standard Electronic Health Records from the Networked Home
López Nores, M., Pazos Arias, J. J., García Duque, J., Blanco Fernández, Y. & Ramos Cabrer, M (2009). In 27th International Conference on Consumer Electronics (ICCE).
TV Program Recommendation for Groups based on Multidimensional TV-Anytime Classifications
Sotelo, R., Blanco Fernández, Y., López Nores, M., Gil Solla, A. & Pazos Arias, J. J (2009). In 27th International Conference on Consumer Electronics (ICCE).
What's on TV Tonight? An Efficient and Effective Personalized Recommender System of TV Programs
Barragáns Martínez, A. B., Pazos Arias, J. J., Fernández Vilas, A., García Duque, J. & López Nores, M (2009). In 27th International Conference on Consumer Electronics (ICCE).
Methodologies to evolve formal specifications through refinement and retrenchment in an analysis-revision cycle.
García Duque, J., Pazos Arias, J. J., López Nores, M., Blanco Fernández, Y., Fernández Vilas, A., Díaz Redondo, R. P. et al. (2009). Requirements Engineering, 14(3), 129-153.
Avoiding Fake Neighborhoods in e-Commerce Collaborative Recommender Systems: A Semantic Approach
Martín Vicente, M. I., Gil Solla, A., Ramos Cabrer, M., Blanco Fernández, Y. & López Nores, M (2009). In 4th International Workshop on Semantic Media Adaptation and Personalization (SMAP 2009).
MiSPOT: Personalized E-Commerce in Digital TV Scenarios with Intermittent or Null Return Channel Availability
López Nores, M., Blanco Fernández, Y., Pazos Arias, J. J. & Martín Vicente, M. I (2009). In Networking and Electronic Commerce Research Conference (NAEC).
Semantic Reasoning and Mashups: An Innovative Approach to Personalized E-Commerce in Digital TV
Blanco Fernández, Y., López Nores, M., Gil Solla, A., Martín Vicente, M. I., Pazos Arias, J. J. & Ramos Cabrer, M (2009). In 4th International Workshop on Semantic Media Adaptation and Personalization (SMAP 2009).
Semantic Web technologies in the service of personalization tools.
Blanco Fernández, Y., Pazos Arias, J. J., Gil Solla, A., Ramos Cabrer, M. & López Nores, M (2009). . Handbook of research on social dimensions of semantic techno.
Personalizing e-Commerce by Semantics-enhanced Strategies and Time-aware Recommendations
Blanco Fernández, Y., López Nores, M., Pazos Arias, J. J., Gil Solla, A. & Ramos Cabrer, M (2008). In 3rd International Workshop on Semantic Media Adaptation and Personalization (SMAP 2008).
Qualitative Assessment of Approaches to Coordinate Activities of Mobile Hosts in Ad-hoc Networks.
López Nores, M., Pazos Arias, J. J., García Duque, J., Blanco Fernández, Y. & Díaz Redondo, R. P. (2008). IEEE Communications Magazine, 46(12), 108-111.
T-MAESTRO and its Authoring Tool: Using Adaptation to Integrate Entertainment into Personalized T-learning.
Rey López, M., Díaz Redondo, R. P., Fernández Vilas, A., Pazos Arias, J. J., López Nores, M., García Duque, J. et al. (2008). Multimedia Tools and Applications, 40(3), 409-451.
Exploiting Synergies between Semantic Reasoning and Personalization Strategies in Intelligent Recommender Systems: A Case Study.
Blanco Fernández, Y., Pazos Arias, J. J., Gil Solla, A., Ramos Cabrer, M., López Nores, M., García Duque, J. et al. (2008). Journal of Systems and Software, 81(12), 2371-2385.
Exploring a Place for Interactive Digital TV in Higher Education
López Nores, M., Pazos Arias, J. J. & Blanco Fernández, Y (2008). In International Conference of Education, Research and Innovation (ICERI).
Posibilidades para la TV Digital Interactiva en el EEES
López Nores, M., Pazos Arias, J. J. & Blanco Fernández, Y (2008). In IV Jornada de Innovación Docente: Docencia y TICs.
Composing Requirements Specifications from Multiple Prioritized Sources.
Barragáns Martínez, A. B., Pazos Arias, J. J., Fernández Vilas, A., García Duque, J., López Nores, M., Díaz Redondo, R. P. et al. (2008). Requirements Engineering, 13(3), 187-206.
ZapTV: Personalized User-Generated Content for Handheld Devices in DVB-H Mobile Networks
Blanco Fernández, Y., Pazos Arias, J. J., Gil Solla, A., Ramos Cabrer, M. & López Nores, M (2008). In 6th European Interactive TV Conference (EuroITV), pages 193-203. Salzburg, Austria : Springer.
An MHP Framework to Provide Intelligent Personalized Recommendations about Digital TV contents.
Blanco Fernández, Y., Pazos Arias, J. J., Gil Solla, A., Ramos Cabrer, M., López Nores, M., García Duque, J. et al. (2008). Software, Practice and Experience, 38(9), 925-960.
MiSPOT: Enhanced Availability and Quality in Delivering Personalized M-learning Linked to TV Programs
López Nores, M., Pazos Arias, J. J., Blanco Fernández, Y., García Duque, J., Tubío Pardavila, R. & Casquero Villacorta, E (2008). In 8th IEEE International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies (ICALT). Santandar, Spain : IEEE Computer Society Press.
On the Need for Incentives to Support Personalization Systems
López Nores, M., Pazos Arias, J. J., García Duque, J., Blanco Fernández, Y., Gil Solla, A. & Ramos Cabrer, M (2008). In 3rd International Conference on Signal Processing and Multimedia Applications (SIGMAP).
Aplicaciones de TV Digital Interactiva para Aprendizaje Continuo y Colaborativo en Docencia Universitaria
López Nores, M., Pazos Arias, J. J. & Blanco Fernández, Y (2008). In I Jornadas de Innovación Docente aplicada a las Tecnologías de la Información y las Comunicaciones (ID+TIC).
Providing Entertainment by Content-based Filtering and Semantic Reasoning in Intelligent Recommender Systems.
Blanco Fernández, Y., Pazos Arias, J. J., Gil Solla, A., Ramos Cabrer, M. & López Nores, M. (2008). IEEE Transactions on Consumer Electronics, 54(2), 727-735.
A Flexible Semantic Inference Methodology to Reason about User Preferences in Knowledge-based Recommender Systems.
Blanco Fernández, Y., Pazos Arias, J. J., Gil Solla, A., Ramos Cabrer, M., López Nores, M., García Duque, J. et al. (2008). Knowledge-Based Systems, 21(4), 305-320.
A TV-Anytime Metadata Approach to TV Program Recommendation for Groups
Gil Solla, A., Tubío Pardavila, R., Sotelo, R., Blanco Fernández, Y., López Nores, M., Pazos Arias, J. J. et al (2008). In 12th Annual IEEE International Symposium on Consumer Electronics (ISCE). IEEE Computer Society Press.
Introducing Smart Packaging in Residential Networks to Prevent Medicine Misuse
López Nores, M., Pazos Arias, J. J., García Duque, J., Blanco Fernández, Y. & Ramos Cabrer, M (2008). In 12th Annual IEEE International Symposium on Consumer Electronics (ISCE). Algarve, Portugal : IEEE Computer Society Press.
On the Interplay between Inconsistency and Incompleteness in Multi-Perspective Requirements Specifications.
Barragáns Martínez, A. B., Pazos Arias, J. J., Fernández Vilas, A., García Duque, J., López Nores, M., Díaz Redondo, R. P. et al. (2008). Information and Software Technology, 50(4), 296-321.
Composing Multi-Perspective Software Requirements Specifications.
Barragáns Martínez, A. B., Pazos Arias, J. J., Fernández Vilas, A., García Duque, J., López Nores, M., Díaz Redondo, R. P. et al. (2008). International Journal of Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering, 18(1), 119-153.
Providing Entertainment by Content-Based Filtering and Reasoning in Intelligent Recommender Systems
Blanco Fernández, Y., Pazos Arias, J. J., Gil Solla, A., Ramos Cabrer, M. & López Nores, M (2008). In IEEE International Conference on Consumer Electronics (ICCE).
A Smart Medicine Manager Delivering Health Care to the Networked Home and Beyond
López Nores, M., Pazos Arias, J. J., García Duque, J. & Blanco Fernández, Y (2008). In International Conference on Health Informatics (HEALTHINF). Funchal, Madeira.
A Two-Sided Simulator for the Assessment of Coordination Policies in Mobile Ad-hoc Networks
López Nores, M., Pazos Arias, J. J., García Duque, J., Blanco Fernández, Y. & Fernández Vilas, A (2008). In 5th IEEE Consumer Communications and Networking Conference (CCNC). Las Vegas, USA : IEEE Computer Society.
Monitoring Medicine Intake in the Networked Home: The iCabiNET Solution
López Nores, M., Pazos Arias, J. J., García Duque, J. & Blanco Fernández, Y (2008). In 2nd International Conference on Pervasive Computing Technologies for Healthcare (Pervasive Health). Tampere, Finland : IEEE Computer Society.
Introducing Smart Packaging in Residential Networks to Prevent Medicine Misuse
Gil Solla, A., Tubio, R., Sotelo, R., Blanco Fernández, Y., López Nores, M., Pazos Arias, J. J. et al (2008). In 12th Annual IEEE International Symposium on Consumer Electronics (ISCE). IEEE Computer Society Press.
Personalization of Interactive Multimedia Services: A Research and Development Perspective
Pazos Arias, J. J., Delgado Kloos, C. & López Nores, M. (2008). Nova Science.
Provision of Distance Learning Services over Interactive Digital TV with MHP.
Pazos Arias, J. J., López Nores, M., García Duque, J., Díaz Redondo, R. P., Blanco Fernández, Y., Ramos Cabrer, M. et al. (2008). Computers & Education, 50(3), 927-949.
Semantic Reasoning: A Path To New Possibilities of Personalization
López Nores, M., Blanco Fernández, Y., Pazos Arias, J. J., Gil Solla, A. & Ramos Cabrer, M (2008). In 5th European Semantic Web Conference (ESWC), pages 720-735. Springer.
The MiSPOT System: Personalized Publicity and Marketing over Interactive Digital TV.
López Nores, M., Pazos Arias, J. J., Blanco Fernández, Y., García Duque, J., Tubío Pardavila, R. & Rey López, M (2008). . E-Business and Telecommunications - Selected papers from ICETE 2007. Springer.
Distance Education Initiatives apart from the PC.
Pazos Arias, J. J. & López Nores, M (2008). In Khosrow-Pour, M. (editor), Encyclopedia of Computer Science and Information Technology Management. IGI Global.
How to Overcome Stumbling Blocks of Traditional Personalization Paradigms.
Blanco Fernández, Y., Pazos Arias, J. J., Gil Solla, A., Ramos Cabrer, M. & López Nores, M (2008). . Metadata and Semantics. Springer.
Personalization in the Information Era.
Pazos Arias, J. J. & López Nores, M (2008). In Khosrow-Pour, M. (editor), Encyclopedia of Computer Science and Information Technology Management. IGI Global.
Downsizing Semantic Reasoning to Fixed and Mobile DTV Receivers
López Nores, M., Blanco Fernández, Y., Pazos Arias, J. J., García Duque, J., Gil Solla, A. & Ramos Cabrer, M (2007). In 2nd IEEE International Workshop on Semantic Media Adaptation and Personalization (SMAP). London, UK : IEEE Computer Society Press.
Objetos Adaptativos de Aprendizaje para T-learning.
Rey López, M., Díaz Redondo, R. P., Fernández Vilas, A., Pazos Arias, J. J. & López Nores, M. (2007). IEEE Latin America Transactions, 5(6), 401-408.
Overcoming Weaknesses of Current Personalization Techniques by Semantic Web Technologies
Blanco Fernández, Y., Pazos Arias, J. J., Gil Solla, A., Ramos Cabrer, M. & López Nores, M (2007). In 2nd International Conference on Metadata and Semantics Research (MTSR). Special Session on Metadata and Semantics for Pervasive Computing. Corfu, Greece.
Objetos Adaptativos de Aprendizaje para T-learning
Rey López, M., Díaz Redondo, R. P., Fernández Vilas, A., Pazos Arias, J. J. & López Nores, M (2007). In VI Jornadas de Ingeniería Telemática (JITEL). Málaga, Spain.
Metodología para la Especificación Formal de Sistemas de Comunicaciones según el Paradigma del Desarrollo Ágil
López Nores, M., Pazos Arias, J. J., García Duque, J. & Blanco Fernández, Y (2007). In VI Jornadas de Ingeniería Telemática (JITEL). Malaga, Spain.
Spontaneous and Personalized Advertising through MPEG-7 Markup and Semantic Reasoning
López Nores, M., Pazos Arias, J. J., García Duque, J., Blanco Fernández, Y., Rey López, M. & Casquero Villacorta, E (2007). In 2nd International Conference on Signal Processing and Multimedia Applications (SIGMAP). Barcelona, Spain.
A Hybrid Strategy to Personalize the Digital Television by Semantic Inference.
Blanco Fernández, Y., Pazos Arias, J. J., Gil Solla, A., Ramos Cabrer, M. & López Nores, M (2007). In Lekakos, G., Chorianopoulos, K. & Doukidis, G. (editors), Interactive Digital Television: Technologies and Applications. IGI Global.
AVATAR: Enhancing the Personalized Television by Semantic Inference.
Blanco Fernández, Y., Pazos Arias, J. J., Gil Solla, A., Ramos Cabrer, M., López Nores, M., García Duque, J. et al. (2007). International Journal of Pattern Recognition and Artificial Intelligence. Special issue on Personalization Techniques for Recommender Systems and Intelligent User Interfaces, 21(2), 397-422.
Motivación y Perspectivas para la Personalización en la Televisión Digital.
Pazos Arias, J. J. & López Nores, M. (2007). Tele Digital, 126, 120-122.
Non-Invasive and Personalized Advertising through MPEG-4 Processing and Semantic Reasoning
López Nores, M., Pazos Arias, J. J., García Duque, J., Blanco Fernández, Y. & Gil Solla, A (2007). In IEEE International Conference on Consumer Electronics (ICCE). Las Vegas, USA.
KEPPAN: Towards Autonomic Communications in Mobile Ad-hoc Networks.
López Nores, M., Pazos Arias, J. J., García Duque, J., Fernández Vilas, A. & Díaz Redondo, R. P (2007). In 4th IEEE Consumer Communications and Networking Conference (CCNC). Special Track on Autonomic Communications. Las Vegas, USA.
Distance Learning over Platforms Different from the PC. Research Trends and Open Problems.
Pazos Arias, J. J. & López Nores, M (2007). . Distance Education Issues and Challenges. Nova Science.
Does Distance Learning Really Serve to Teach? We Guess that It May Be Best Suited to Learn.
Pazos Arias, J. J. & López Nores, M (2007). . Distance Education Issues and Challenges - Experts' Commentary. Nova Science.
Bringing the Agile Philosophy to Formal Specification Settings.
López Nores, M., Pazos Arias, J. J., García Duque, J., Blanco Fernández, Y., Díaz Redondo, R. P., Fernández Vilas, A. et al. (2006). International Journal of Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering, 16(6), 951-986.
Soporte Metodológico para la Evolución de Especificaciones Formales. Aplicación en Sistemas Telemáticos.
López Nores, M. (2006). Phd Thesis, Universidade de Vigo.
MHP-OSGi Convergence: A New Model for Open Residential Gateways.
Fernández Vilas, A., Díaz Redondo, R. P., Ramos Cabrer, M., Pazos Arias, J. J., Gil Solla, A., García Duque, J. et al. (2006). Software, Practice and Experience, 36(13), 1421-1442.
Guidelines for the Incremental Identification of Aspects in Requirements Specifications.
García Duque, J., López Nores, M., Pazos Arias, J. J., Fernández Vilas, A., Díaz Redondo, R. P., Gil Solla, A. et al. (2006). Requirements Engineering, 11(4), 239-263.
Formal Specification Applied to Distributed Multiuser Services: Experiences in Collaborative T-learning.
López Nores, M., Pazos Arias, J. J., García Duque, J., Blanco Fernández, Y., Ramos Cabrer, M., Gil Solla, A. et al. (2006). Journal of Systems and Software, 79(8), 1141-1155.
ATLAS: A Framework to Provide Multiuser and Distributed T-learning Services over MHP.
Pazos Arias, J. J., López Nores, M., García Duque, J., Gil Solla, A., Ramos Cabrer, M., Blanco Fernández, Y. et al. (2006). Software, Practice and Experience, 36(8), 845-869.
A Core of Standards to Support T-learning
López Nores, M., Pazos Arias, J. J., García Duque, J., Blanco Fernández, Y. & Gil Solla, A (2006). In 6th IEEE International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies (ICALT), pages 13-15. IEEE Computer Society.
Managing Ad-Hoc Networks Through the Formal Specification of Service Requirements
López Nores, M., García Duque, J. & Pazos Arias, J. J (2006). In 8th International Conference on Coordination Models and Languages (COORDINATION) - Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pages 164-178. Bolonia, Italy : Springer Verlag.
Bringing Together Content-Based Methods, Collaborative Filtering and Semantic Inference to Improve Personalized TV
Blanco Fernández, Y., Pazos Arias, J. J., Gil Solla, A., Ramos Cabrer, M. & López Nores, M (2006). In 4th European Conference on Interactive TV (EuroITV), pages 174-182. Athens, Greece.
Improving the Dependability of Mobile Ad-Hoc Networks through Formal Reasoning
López Nores, M., Pereira Paz, D., Pazos Arias, J. J., García Duque, J. & Casquero Villacorta, E (2006). In 25th Conference on Computer Communications (INFOCOM). Poster session.
A Six-Valued Logic to Reason about Uncertainty and Inconsistency in Requirements Specifications.
García Duque, J., López Nores, M., Pazos Arias, J. J., Fernández Vilas, A., Díaz Redondo, R. P., Gil Solla, A. et al. (2006). Journal of Logic and Computation, 16(2), 227-255.
An Agile Approach to Support Incremental Development of Requirements Specifications
López Nores, M., Pazos Arias, J. J., García Duque, J. & Barragáns Martínez, A. B (2006). In 17th IEEE Australian Software Engineering Conference (ASWEC), pages 9-18. Sidney, Australia : IEEE Computer Society.
AVATAR: An Improved Solution for Personalized TV based on Semantic Inference.
Blanco Fernández, Y., Pazos Arias, J. J., López Nores, M., Gil Solla, A. & Ramos Cabrer, M. (2006). IEEE Transactions on Consumer Electronics, 52(1), 223-231.
Formal Reasoning under Uncertainty to Improve Service Provision in Mobile Ad-hoc Networks
López Nores, M., Pazos Arias, J. J., García Duque, J., Fernández Vilas, A. & Díaz Redondo, R. P (2006). In 32nd International Conference on Current Trends in Theory and Practice of Computer Science (SOFSEM). Merin, Czech Republic.
AVATAR: An Improved Solution for Personalized TV based on Semantic Inference
Blanco Fernández, Y., Pazos Arias, J. J., López Nores, M., Gil Solla, A. & Ramos Cabrer, M (2006). In IEEE International Conference on Consumer Electronics (ICCE), pages 145-146.
Eliciting Requirements and Scenarios Using the SCTL-MUS Methodology. The Shuttle System Case Study.
Pazos Arias, J. J., García Duque, J., López Nores, M. & Barragáns Martínez, A. B. (2005). ACM Software Engineering Notes, 30(4), 1-5.
Locating Crosscutting Concerns in the Formal Specification of Distributed Reactive Systems.
Pazos Arias, J. J., García Duque, J., López Nores, M. & Barragáns Martínez, A. B. (2005). ACM Software Engineering Notes, 30(4), 1-5.
Multi-valued Model Checking in Dense-Time
Fernández Vilas, A., Pazos Arias, J. J., Barragáns Martínez, A. B., López Nores, M., Díaz Redondo, R. P., Gil Solla, A. et al (2005). In 8th European Conference on Symbolic and Quantitative Approaches to Reasoning with Uncertainty (ECSQARU) - Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pages 638-649. Barcelona, Spain : Springer Verlag.
Tracing Integration Analysis in Component-Based Formal Specifications
López Nores, M., Pazos Arias, J. J., García Duque, J., Barragáns Martínez, A. B., Díaz Redondo, R. P., Fernández Vilas, A. et al (2005). In 7th IFIP International Conference on Formal Methods for Open Object-based Distributed Systems (FMOODS) - Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pages 147-162.
AVATAR: An Approach based on Semantic Reasoning to Recommend Personalized TV Programs.
Blanco Fernández, Y., Pazos Arias, J. J., Gil Solla, A., Ramos Cabrer, M., Fernández Vilas, A., Díaz Redondo, R. P. et al (2005). In 14th International World Wide Web Conference (WWW). Poster session, pages 1078-1079. Chiba, Japan : ACM Press.
Eliciting Requirements and Scenarios Using the SCTL-MUS Methodology. The Shuttle System Case Study
Pazos Arias, J. J., García Duque, J., López Nores, M. & Barragáns Martínez, A. B (2005). In 27th International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE), Workshop on Scenarios and State Machines: Models, Algorithms and Tools (SCESM), pages 1-5. St. Louis, Missouri, USA : ACM Press.
Locating Crosscutting Concerns in the Formal Specification of Distributed Reactive Systems
Pazos Arias, J. J., García Duque, J., López Nores, M. & Barragáns Martínez, A. B (2005). In 27th International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE), Workshop on the Modeling and Analysis of Concerns in Software (MACS), pages 1-5. St. Louis, Missouri, USA : ACM Press.
AVATAR: Modeling Users by Dynamic Ontologies in a TV Recommender System based on Semantic Reasoning
Blanco Fernández, Y., Pazos Arias, J. J., Gil Solla, A., Ramos Cabrer, M., López Nores, M. & Barragáns Martínez, A. B (2005). In 3rd European Conference on Interactive Television: User Centred ITV Systems, Programmes and Applications (EuroITV), pages 173-182.
AVATAR: A Multi-Agent TV Recommender System Using MHP Applications
Blanco Fernández, Y., Pazos Arias, J. J., Gil Solla, A., Ramos Cabrer, M., López Nores, M. & Barragáns Martínez, A. B (2005). In IEEE International Conference on E-Technology, E-Commerce and E-Service (EEE), pages 660-665. IEEE Computer Society Press.
Bringing Standards into T-learning
López Nores, M., Pazos Arias, J. J., Díaz Redondo, R. P., Blanco Fernández, Y., García Duque, J., Rey López, M. et al (2005). In 3rd European Conference on Interactive Television: User Centred ITV Systems, Programmes and Applications (EuroITV), pages 79-86.
Collaborative T-learning: Bringing Greater Levels of Interactivity into the Home
López Nores, M., Elexpuru Eguía, A., Blanco Fernández, Y., Pazos Arias, J. J., Barragáns Martínez, A. B., García Duque, J. et al (2005). In IEEE International Conference on E-Technology, E-Commerce and E-Service (EEE), pages 588-591. Hong Kong : IEEE Computer Society Press.
On the Specification of Interaction Patterns for Collaborative T-learning Services
López Nores, M., Pazos Arias, J. J., García Duque, J., Barragáns Martínez, A. B., Blanco Fernández, Y., Díaz Redondo, R. P. et al (2005). In 3rd European Conference on Interactive Television: User Centred ITV Systems, Programmes and Applications (EuroITV), pages 231-233.
Solutions for Personalized T-learning
López Nores, M., Pazos Arias, J. J., Blanco Fernández, Y., Rey López, M., García Duque, J., Barragáns Martínez, A. B. et al (2005). In 3rd European Conference on Interactive Television: User Centred ITV Systems, Programmes and Applications (EuroITV), pages 235-236. Aalborg, Denmark.
A Multi-Agent Open Architecture for a TV Recommender System: A Case Study using a Bayesian Strategy
Blanco Fernández, Y., Pazos Arias, J. J., Gil Solla, A., Ramos Cabrer, M., Barragáns Martínez, A. B. & López Nores, M (2004). In 6th IEEE International Symposium on Multimedia Software Engineering (MSE), pages 178-185. Miami, FL, USA : IEEE Computer Society Press.
A Technological Framework for TV-supported Collaborative Learning
López Nores, M., Elexpuru Eguía, A., Blanco Fernández, Y., Pazos Arias, J. J., Gil Solla, A., García Duque, J. et al (2004). In 6th IEEE International Symposium on Multimedia Software Engineering (MSE), pages 72-79.
An Improved Repository System for Effective and Efficient Reuse of Formal Verification Efforts
López Nores, M., Díaz Redondo, R. P., Pazos Arias, J. J. & García Duque, J (2004). In 11th Asia-Pacific Software Engineering Conference (APSEC), pages 38-45. Busan, Korea : IEEE Computer Society Press.
AVATAR: An Advanced Multi-Agent Recommender System of Personalized TV Contents by Semantic Reasoning
Blanco Fernández, Y., Pazos Arias, J. J., Gil Solla, A., Ramos Cabrer, M., Barragáns Martínez, A. B., López Nores, M. et al (2004). In 5th International Conference on Web Information System Engineering - Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pages 415-421. Brisbane, Australia : Springer Verlag.
A Formal Approach to Component-Based Specification with Improved Requirements Traceability
López Nores, M. & Pazos Arias, J. J (2004). In 12th International Requirements Engineering Conference (RE), Doctoral Symposium. Kyoto, Japan : IEEE Computer Society Press.
AVATAR: Advanced Telematic Search of Audiovisual Contents by Semantic Reasoning
Blanco Fernández, Y., Pazos Arias, J. J., Gil Solla, A., Ramos Cabrer, M., García Duque, J., Díaz Redondo, R. P. et al (2004). In 4th Workshop on Personalization in Future TV (TV), pages 246-251. Eindhoven, The Netherlands.
Technologies to Support Collaborative Learning over the Multimedia Home Platform
López Nores, M., Blanco Fernández, Y., Fernández Vilas, A., Díaz Redondo, R. P., Pazos Arias, J. J., Gil Solla, A. et al (2004). In 3rd International Conference on Web-Based Learning (ICWL) - Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pages 83-90. Springer Verlag.
Supporting Software Variability by Reusing Generic Incomplete Models at the Requirements Specification Stage
Díaz Redondo, R. P., López Nores, M., Pazos Arias, J. J., Fernández Vilas, A., García Duque, J., Gil Solla, A. et al (2004). In 8th International Conference on Software Reuse (ICSR) - Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pages 1-10.
A Mixed XML-JavaBeans Approach to Developing T-learning Applications for the Multimedia Home Platform
López Nores, M., Fernández Vilas, A., Díaz Redondo, R. P., Gil Solla, A., Pazos Arias, J. J., Ramos Cabrer, M. et al (2003). In 1st International Workshop on Multimedia Interactive Protocols and Systems (MIPS) - Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pages 376-387. Springer Verlag.
Experiencias sobre una Implementación Libre y Abierta del Estándar MHP para TV Digital Interactiva
Gil Solla, A., Pazos Arias, J. J., López Nores, M. & Blanco Fernández, Y (2003). In IV Jornadas de Ingeniería Telemática, pages 431-438. Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Spain.