Artículos en revistas
Year: 2013
Virtualization Support for Complex Communications in Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks.
Fernando Bravo-Torres, J., López Nores, M. & Blanco Fernández, Y. (2013). MTA Review, 23(2), 121-140.
Year: 2012
Bringing content-awareness to Web-based IDTV advertising.
Díaz Redondo, R. P., Fernández Vilas, A., Pazos Arias, J. J., Ramos Cabrer, M., Gil Solla, A. & García Duque, J. (2012). IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man and Cybernetics - Part C: Applications and Reviews, 42(3), 324-333.
Property-Based Collaborative Filtering for Health-Aware Recommender Systems.
López Nores, M., Blanco Fernández, Y., Pazos Arias, J. J. & Gil Solla, A. (2012). Expert Systems with Applications, 39(8), 7451-7457.
Semantic Inference of User's Reputation and Expertise to Improve Collaborative Recommendations.
Martín Vicente, M. I., Gil Solla, A., Ramos Cabrer, M., Blanco Fernández, Y. & López Nores, M. (2012). Expert Systems with Applications, 39(9), 8248-8258.
The iCabiNET System: Harnessing Electronic Health Record Standards from Domestic and Mobile Devices to Support Better Medication Adherence.
López Nores, M., Blanco Fernández, Y., Pazos Arias, J. J. & García Duque, J. (2012). Computer Standards & Interfaces, 34(1), 109-116.
Year: 2011
Improving Collaborative Recommendation of Coupons Through Digital TV by Semantic Inference of Users' Reputation.
Martín Vicente, M. I., Gil Solla, A., Ramos Cabrer, M., Blanco Fernández, Y. & López Nores, M. (2011). IEEE Transactions on Consumer Electronics, 57(1), 178-186.
An Improvement for Semantics-based Recommender Systems Grounded on Attaching Temporal Information to Ontologies and User Profiles..
Blanco Fernández, Y., López Nores, M., Pazos Arias, J. J. & García Duque, J. (2011). Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence. Selected as Best Engineering Applications of Artifical Intelligence paper for 2011-2013 in the category "application oriented papers", 24(8), 1385-1397.
Automatic Provision of Personalized E-Commerce Services in Digital TV Scenarios with Impermanent Connectivity.
López Nores, M., Blanco Fernández, Y., Pazos Arias, J. J., Fernández Vilas, A. & Ramos Cabrer, M. (2011). Expert Systems with Applications, 38(11), 12691-12698.
Experiencia Piloto para la Provisión de Formación Personalizada en Televisión sobre la Plataforma T-Maestro.
Díaz Redondo, R. P., Fernández Vilas, A., Pazos Arias, J. J. & Rodríguez Malmierca, M. J. (2011). IEEE RITA Revista Iberoamericana de Tecnologías del Aprendizaje, 6(1), 10-18.
Exploring Synergies between Content-based Filtering and Spreading Activation Techniques in Knowledge-based Recommender Systems.
Blanco Fernández, Y., López Nores, M., Gil Solla, A., Ramos Cabrer, M. & Pazos Arias, J. J. (2011). Information Sciences, 181(21), 4823-4846.
Making the most of TV on the move: My newschannel.
Pazos Arias, J. J., Fernández Vilas, A., Díaz Redondo, R. P., Gil Solla, A., Ramos Cabrer, M. & García Duque, J. (2011). Information Sciences, 181(4), 855-868.
TripFromTV+: Targeting Personalized Tourism to Interactive Digital TV Viewers by Social Networking and Semantic Reasoning.
Blanco Fernández, Y., López Nores, M., Pazos Arias, J. J., García Duque, J. & Martín Vicente, M. I. (2011). IEEE Transactions on Consumer Electronics, 57(2), 953-961.
TVGuide2.0: Applying the Web2.0 fundamentals to IDTV.
Díaz Redondo, R. P., Fernández Vilas, A., Rey López, M., Pazos Arias, J. J., Gil Solla, A., Ramos Cabrer, M. et al. (2011). Multimedia Tools and Applications, 53(1), 151-179.
User-Generated Contents and Reasoning-based Personalization: Ingredients for a Novel Model of Mobile TV.
Blanco Fernández, Y., López Nores, M., Gil Solla, A., Ramos Cabrer, M. & Pazos Arias, J. J. (2011). Expert Systems with Applications, 38(5), 5289-5298.
Utilizando Sistemas Recomendadores para Predecir Ratings en TV.
Sotelo, R. & Gil Solla, A. (2011). Informática na Eduçasão: Teoría & prática, 14(1), 11-27.
Year: 2010
A Semantic Approach to avoiding fake neighborhoods in collaborative recommendation of coupons through Digital TV.
Martín Vicente, M. I., Gil Solla, A., Ramos Cabrer, M., Blanco Fernández, Y. & López Nores, M. (2010). IEEE Transactions on Consumer Electronics, 56(1), 54-62.
Application-Level Assessment of Approaches to Coordinate Node Mobility in Wireless Sensor and Actor Networks.
López Nores, M., Pazos Arias, J. J., García Duque, J., Blanco Fernández, Y., Gil Solla, A., Ramos Cabrer, M. et al. (2010). Computer Communications, 33(7), 860-867.
Context-aware personalization services for a residential gateway based on the OSGi platform.
Fernández Vilas, A., Díaz Redondo, R. P., Pazos Arias, J. J., Ramos Cabrer, M., Gil Solla, A. & García Duque, J. (2010). Expert Systems with Applications, 37(9), 6538-6546.
Enhancing TV Programmes with Additional Contents Using MPEG-7 Segmentation Information.
Rey López, M., Fernández Vilas, A., Díaz Redondo, R. P., López Nores, M., Pazos Arias, J. J., Gil Solla, A. et al. (2010). Expert Systems with Applications, 37(2), 1124-1133.
Exploiting Digital TV Userss Preferences in a Tourism Recommender System based on Semantic Reasoning.
Blanco Fernández, Y., López Nores, M., Pazos Arias, J. J., Gil Solla, A. & Ramos Cabrer, M. (2010). IEEE Transactions on Consumer Electronics, 56(2), 1-9.
Incentivized Provision of Metadata, Semantic Reasoning and Time-driven Filtering: Making a Puzzle of Personalized e-Commerce.
Blanco Fernández, Y., Pazos Arias, J. J., López Nores, M., Gil Solla, A., Ramos Cabrer, M., García Duque, J. et al. (2010). Expert Systems with Applications, 37(1), 61-69.
MiSPOT: Dynamic Product Placement for Digital TV through MPEG-4 Processing and Semantic Reasoning.
López Nores, M., Pazos Arias, J. J., García Duque, J., Blanco Fernández, Y., Martín Vicente, M. I., Fernández Vilas, A. et al. (2010). Knowledge and Information Systems, 22(1), 101-128.
Personalized Multimedia Touristic Services for hybrid broadcast/broadband mobile receivers.
Gil Solla, A., Fraile, F., De Fez, I., Ramos Cabrer, M. & Carlos Guerri, J. (2010). IEEE Transactions on Consumer Electronics, 56(1), 211-219.
Year: 2009
An extension to the ADL SCORM standard to support adaptivity: the t-learning case-study.
Rey López, M., Díaz Redondo, R. P., Fernández Vilas, A., Pazos Arias, J. J., García Duque, J., Gil Solla, A. et al. (2009). Computer Standards & Interfaces, 31(2), 309-318.
Broadcasting and Personalization of User-Generated Contents in DVB-H Mobile Networks.
Blanco Fernández, Y., Pazos Arias, J. J., Gil Solla, A., Ramos Cabrer, M. & López Nores, M. (2009). Multimedia Systems Journal, 15(3), 173-185.
Fernando Bravo-Torres, J., López Nores, M. & Blanco Fernández, Y. (2013). MTA Review, 23(2), 121-140.
Bringing content-awareness to Web-based IDTV advertising.
Díaz Redondo, R. P., Fernández Vilas, A., Pazos Arias, J. J., Ramos Cabrer, M., Gil Solla, A. & García Duque, J. (2012). IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man and Cybernetics - Part C: Applications and Reviews, 42(3), 324-333. -
Property-Based Collaborative Filtering for Health-Aware Recommender Systems.
López Nores, M., Blanco Fernández, Y., Pazos Arias, J. J. & Gil Solla, A. (2012). Expert Systems with Applications, 39(8), 7451-7457. -
Semantic Inference of User's Reputation and Expertise to Improve Collaborative Recommendations.
Martín Vicente, M. I., Gil Solla, A., Ramos Cabrer, M., Blanco Fernández, Y. & López Nores, M. (2012). Expert Systems with Applications, 39(9), 8248-8258. -
The iCabiNET System: Harnessing Electronic Health Record Standards from Domestic and Mobile Devices to Support Better Medication Adherence.
López Nores, M., Blanco Fernández, Y., Pazos Arias, J. J. & García Duque, J. (2012). Computer Standards & Interfaces, 34(1), 109-116.
Year: 2011
Improving Collaborative Recommendation of Coupons Through Digital TV by Semantic Inference of Users' Reputation.
Martín Vicente, M. I., Gil Solla, A., Ramos Cabrer, M., Blanco Fernández, Y. & López Nores, M. (2011). IEEE Transactions on Consumer Electronics, 57(1), 178-186.
An Improvement for Semantics-based Recommender Systems Grounded on Attaching Temporal Information to Ontologies and User Profiles..
Blanco Fernández, Y., López Nores, M., Pazos Arias, J. J. & García Duque, J. (2011). Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence. Selected as Best Engineering Applications of Artifical Intelligence paper for 2011-2013 in the category "application oriented papers", 24(8), 1385-1397.
Automatic Provision of Personalized E-Commerce Services in Digital TV Scenarios with Impermanent Connectivity.
López Nores, M., Blanco Fernández, Y., Pazos Arias, J. J., Fernández Vilas, A. & Ramos Cabrer, M. (2011). Expert Systems with Applications, 38(11), 12691-12698.
Experiencia Piloto para la Provisión de Formación Personalizada en Televisión sobre la Plataforma T-Maestro.
Díaz Redondo, R. P., Fernández Vilas, A., Pazos Arias, J. J. & Rodríguez Malmierca, M. J. (2011). IEEE RITA Revista Iberoamericana de Tecnologías del Aprendizaje, 6(1), 10-18.
Exploring Synergies between Content-based Filtering and Spreading Activation Techniques in Knowledge-based Recommender Systems.
Blanco Fernández, Y., López Nores, M., Gil Solla, A., Ramos Cabrer, M. & Pazos Arias, J. J. (2011). Information Sciences, 181(21), 4823-4846.
Making the most of TV on the move: My newschannel.
Pazos Arias, J. J., Fernández Vilas, A., Díaz Redondo, R. P., Gil Solla, A., Ramos Cabrer, M. & García Duque, J. (2011). Information Sciences, 181(4), 855-868.
TripFromTV+: Targeting Personalized Tourism to Interactive Digital TV Viewers by Social Networking and Semantic Reasoning.
Blanco Fernández, Y., López Nores, M., Pazos Arias, J. J., García Duque, J. & Martín Vicente, M. I. (2011). IEEE Transactions on Consumer Electronics, 57(2), 953-961.
TVGuide2.0: Applying the Web2.0 fundamentals to IDTV.
Díaz Redondo, R. P., Fernández Vilas, A., Rey López, M., Pazos Arias, J. J., Gil Solla, A., Ramos Cabrer, M. et al. (2011). Multimedia Tools and Applications, 53(1), 151-179.
User-Generated Contents and Reasoning-based Personalization: Ingredients for a Novel Model of Mobile TV.
Blanco Fernández, Y., López Nores, M., Gil Solla, A., Ramos Cabrer, M. & Pazos Arias, J. J. (2011). Expert Systems with Applications, 38(5), 5289-5298.
Utilizando Sistemas Recomendadores para Predecir Ratings en TV.
Sotelo, R. & Gil Solla, A. (2011). Informática na Eduçasão: Teoría & prática, 14(1), 11-27.
Year: 2010
A Semantic Approach to avoiding fake neighborhoods in collaborative recommendation of coupons through Digital TV.
Martín Vicente, M. I., Gil Solla, A., Ramos Cabrer, M., Blanco Fernández, Y. & López Nores, M. (2010). IEEE Transactions on Consumer Electronics, 56(1), 54-62.
Application-Level Assessment of Approaches to Coordinate Node Mobility in Wireless Sensor and Actor Networks.
López Nores, M., Pazos Arias, J. J., García Duque, J., Blanco Fernández, Y., Gil Solla, A., Ramos Cabrer, M. et al. (2010). Computer Communications, 33(7), 860-867.
Context-aware personalization services for a residential gateway based on the OSGi platform.
Fernández Vilas, A., Díaz Redondo, R. P., Pazos Arias, J. J., Ramos Cabrer, M., Gil Solla, A. & García Duque, J. (2010). Expert Systems with Applications, 37(9), 6538-6546.
Enhancing TV Programmes with Additional Contents Using MPEG-7 Segmentation Information.
Rey López, M., Fernández Vilas, A., Díaz Redondo, R. P., López Nores, M., Pazos Arias, J. J., Gil Solla, A. et al. (2010). Expert Systems with Applications, 37(2), 1124-1133.
Exploiting Digital TV Userss Preferences in a Tourism Recommender System based on Semantic Reasoning.
Blanco Fernández, Y., López Nores, M., Pazos Arias, J. J., Gil Solla, A. & Ramos Cabrer, M. (2010). IEEE Transactions on Consumer Electronics, 56(2), 1-9.
Incentivized Provision of Metadata, Semantic Reasoning and Time-driven Filtering: Making a Puzzle of Personalized e-Commerce.
Blanco Fernández, Y., Pazos Arias, J. J., López Nores, M., Gil Solla, A., Ramos Cabrer, M., García Duque, J. et al. (2010). Expert Systems with Applications, 37(1), 61-69.
MiSPOT: Dynamic Product Placement for Digital TV through MPEG-4 Processing and Semantic Reasoning.
López Nores, M., Pazos Arias, J. J., García Duque, J., Blanco Fernández, Y., Martín Vicente, M. I., Fernández Vilas, A. et al. (2010). Knowledge and Information Systems, 22(1), 101-128.
Personalized Multimedia Touristic Services for hybrid broadcast/broadband mobile receivers.
Gil Solla, A., Fraile, F., De Fez, I., Ramos Cabrer, M. & Carlos Guerri, J. (2010). IEEE Transactions on Consumer Electronics, 56(1), 211-219.
Year: 2009
An extension to the ADL SCORM standard to support adaptivity: the t-learning case-study.
Rey López, M., Díaz Redondo, R. P., Fernández Vilas, A., Pazos Arias, J. J., García Duque, J., Gil Solla, A. et al. (2009). Computer Standards & Interfaces, 31(2), 309-318.
Broadcasting and Personalization of User-Generated Contents in DVB-H Mobile Networks.
Blanco Fernández, Y., Pazos Arias, J. J., Gil Solla, A., Ramos Cabrer, M. & López Nores, M. (2009). Multimedia Systems Journal, 15(3), 173-185.
Martín Vicente, M. I., Gil Solla, A., Ramos Cabrer, M., Blanco Fernández, Y. & López Nores, M. (2011). IEEE Transactions on Consumer Electronics, 57(1), 178-186.
Blanco Fernández, Y., López Nores, M., Pazos Arias, J. J. & García Duque, J. (2011). Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence. Selected as Best Engineering Applications of Artifical Intelligence paper for 2011-2013 in the category "application oriented papers", 24(8), 1385-1397.
López Nores, M., Blanco Fernández, Y., Pazos Arias, J. J., Fernández Vilas, A. & Ramos Cabrer, M. (2011). Expert Systems with Applications, 38(11), 12691-12698.
Díaz Redondo, R. P., Fernández Vilas, A., Pazos Arias, J. J. & Rodríguez Malmierca, M. J. (2011). IEEE RITA Revista Iberoamericana de Tecnologías del Aprendizaje, 6(1), 10-18.
Blanco Fernández, Y., López Nores, M., Gil Solla, A., Ramos Cabrer, M. & Pazos Arias, J. J. (2011). Information Sciences, 181(21), 4823-4846.
Pazos Arias, J. J., Fernández Vilas, A., Díaz Redondo, R. P., Gil Solla, A., Ramos Cabrer, M. & García Duque, J. (2011). Information Sciences, 181(4), 855-868.
Blanco Fernández, Y., López Nores, M., Pazos Arias, J. J., García Duque, J. & Martín Vicente, M. I. (2011). IEEE Transactions on Consumer Electronics, 57(2), 953-961.
Díaz Redondo, R. P., Fernández Vilas, A., Rey López, M., Pazos Arias, J. J., Gil Solla, A., Ramos Cabrer, M. et al. (2011). Multimedia Tools and Applications, 53(1), 151-179.
Blanco Fernández, Y., López Nores, M., Gil Solla, A., Ramos Cabrer, M. & Pazos Arias, J. J. (2011). Expert Systems with Applications, 38(5), 5289-5298.
Sotelo, R. & Gil Solla, A. (2011). Informática na Eduçasão: Teoría & prática, 14(1), 11-27.
A Semantic Approach to avoiding fake neighborhoods in collaborative recommendation of coupons through Digital TV.
Martín Vicente, M. I., Gil Solla, A., Ramos Cabrer, M., Blanco Fernández, Y. & López Nores, M. (2010). IEEE Transactions on Consumer Electronics, 56(1), 54-62. -
Application-Level Assessment of Approaches to Coordinate Node Mobility in Wireless Sensor and Actor Networks.
López Nores, M., Pazos Arias, J. J., García Duque, J., Blanco Fernández, Y., Gil Solla, A., Ramos Cabrer, M. et al. (2010). Computer Communications, 33(7), 860-867. -
Context-aware personalization services for a residential gateway based on the OSGi platform.
Fernández Vilas, A., Díaz Redondo, R. P., Pazos Arias, J. J., Ramos Cabrer, M., Gil Solla, A. & García Duque, J. (2010). Expert Systems with Applications, 37(9), 6538-6546. -
Enhancing TV Programmes with Additional Contents Using MPEG-7 Segmentation Information.
Rey López, M., Fernández Vilas, A., Díaz Redondo, R. P., López Nores, M., Pazos Arias, J. J., Gil Solla, A. et al. (2010). Expert Systems with Applications, 37(2), 1124-1133. -
Exploiting Digital TV Userss Preferences in a Tourism Recommender System based on Semantic Reasoning.
Blanco Fernández, Y., López Nores, M., Pazos Arias, J. J., Gil Solla, A. & Ramos Cabrer, M. (2010). IEEE Transactions on Consumer Electronics, 56(2), 1-9. -
Incentivized Provision of Metadata, Semantic Reasoning and Time-driven Filtering: Making a Puzzle of Personalized e-Commerce.
Blanco Fernández, Y., Pazos Arias, J. J., López Nores, M., Gil Solla, A., Ramos Cabrer, M., García Duque, J. et al. (2010). Expert Systems with Applications, 37(1), 61-69. -
MiSPOT: Dynamic Product Placement for Digital TV through MPEG-4 Processing and Semantic Reasoning.
López Nores, M., Pazos Arias, J. J., García Duque, J., Blanco Fernández, Y., Martín Vicente, M. I., Fernández Vilas, A. et al. (2010). Knowledge and Information Systems, 22(1), 101-128. -
Personalized Multimedia Touristic Services for hybrid broadcast/broadband mobile receivers.
Gil Solla, A., Fraile, F., De Fez, I., Ramos Cabrer, M. & Carlos Guerri, J. (2010). IEEE Transactions on Consumer Electronics, 56(1), 211-219.
Year: 2009
An extension to the ADL SCORM standard to support adaptivity: the t-learning case-study.
Rey López, M., Díaz Redondo, R. P., Fernández Vilas, A., Pazos Arias, J. J., García Duque, J., Gil Solla, A. et al. (2009). Computer Standards & Interfaces, 31(2), 309-318.
Broadcasting and Personalization of User-Generated Contents in DVB-H Mobile Networks.
Blanco Fernández, Y., Pazos Arias, J. J., Gil Solla, A., Ramos Cabrer, M. & López Nores, M. (2009). Multimedia Systems Journal, 15(3), 173-185.
Rey López, M., Díaz Redondo, R. P., Fernández Vilas, A., Pazos Arias, J. J., García Duque, J., Gil Solla, A. et al. (2009). Computer Standards & Interfaces, 31(2), 309-318.
Blanco Fernández, Y., Pazos Arias, J. J., Gil Solla, A., Ramos Cabrer, M. & López Nores, M. (2009). Multimedia Systems Journal, 15(3), 173-185.