Leveraging short-lived learning networks to encourage collaborative peer learning

Research areas:
  • Uncategorized
Year: 2017
Type of Publication: In Proceedings Keywords: sporadic social networks
Authors: 17, Paúl E. Vintimilla-Tapia Pablo E. Andrade-Rea
Book title: 12th Latin American Conference on Learning Technologies (LACLO)
Address: La Plata, Argentina
Month: October
ISBN: 978-1-5386-237
Sporadic Learning Networks (SLNs) are social learning networks between people (students, teachers and experts) that are in a common place or connected through Internet or some communication network. The idea is to establish dynamic learning networks that encourage their members to work together and create a learning environment with resources and activities adequate to meet their learning needs. This article develops this concept and presents the design of the OPPIA platform, dedicated to the deployment of this type of networks, along with a preliminary implementation of this platform.