REENACT: Learning about Historical Battles and Wars through Augmented Reality and Role Playing - An EXPERIMEDIA Experiment

Research areas:
  • Uncategorized
Year: 2013
Type of Publication: In Proceedings Keywords: Augmented reality; technology-enhanced learning; EXPERIMEDIA
Authors: 8, 2 7
Book title: 5th International Conference on Computer-Supported Education (CSEDU)
Organization: INSTICC Month: May
This paper presents one proposal to engage groups of people into immersive collective experiences to learn about a certain historical battle or war, from the point of view of reenactors and historians. The participants will be equipped with tactile mobile devices that interact with an augmented reality platform and an online environment for the orchestration of distributed live games, provided by the technological facility that is being developed within the EXPERIMEDIA FP7 project. We describe the implementation and experimentation plans, including a discussion of the indicators we will be measuring to assess Quality of Service, Quality of Experience and Quality of Community.
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